The Benefits of Homework Essay Example

📌Category: Education, Homework, Learning
📌Words: 524
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 19 April 2021

I had to do a large amount of homework last night, and it was so useless. Doing homework everyday is the absolute worst part of my day, and I don’t understand why we are forced to do it. Should students have to do homework? I believe that homework should be given to students in small amounts because homework can help increase academic achievement, teach life skills, and help teachers understand how well their material is being taught.

Homework can help improve a students grades, and allow them to achieve more academically. It allows students to practice what they learned in class, and reinforce it. This will help them comprehend what they are learning better. In my personal experience homework has helped me to succeed in classes like math class. In addition to helping students comprehend material, homework also helps students on standardized testing. A research study by the High School Journal presents students that do 31-90 minutes a day scored 40 points on the mathematics SAT than students that did not do homework. Not only does homework help students achieve more academically it helps them with life skills.

Students learn many life skills from homework that they will use for the rest of their life. Doing homework will teach time management. It helps you be more disciplined, set priorities, keep long-term tasks on schedule. These are all essential to time management. I have had trouble with time management in the past, but my years in middle school have helped me improve this skill. Homework also teaches responsibility to students because they are able to do schoolwork without their teachers monitoring them. This teaches initiative and doing work independently. It also teaches students responsibility when doing work. Homework is very beneficial to students, but it is also beneficial to teachers.

Teachers benefit from homework by being able to understand how well their students are comprehending, and how they can improve their lessons. Most importantly, teachers are able to see how well their students are learning the material. They will be able to find out  if their students comprehend what they are being taught. They do this by analyzing the homework to see how well their students do on it. If multiple students are not able to do the homework correctly then the teacher knows the students are not comprehending the material. Homework helps teachers make their lessons as effective for teaching their students as possible. This will help their students succeed in class. Through homework teachers are able to see what the students struggle with, and what they comprehend well. Instructors are able to design their lessons to focus on some parts of the material more than others. As well it will tell them what needs to be reviewed and what their students comprehend. Teachers and students alike benefit from homework.

Homework is a positive and important thing because it increases academic achievement, teaches life skills, and helps mentors understand how well their lessons are being understood. Doing homework helps students reinforce the material they learned during school, so that they can fully comprehend it. Students can learn responsibility and time management, and other skills that will be important later in life. It is important for teachers to assign homework, so they can see how well their students are comprehending homework. In conclusion, maybe students should stop complaining about homework because in smaller amounts it is actually very helpful and important.

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