Reflective Essay on Essay Writing Experience

📌Category: Education, Learning
📌Words: 664
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 18 May 2021

Throughout this semester, one of the things that I felt I had experienced more intently was learning how to be prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing an essay. I feel as though that doing specifically the steps of writing an essay and going over how to properly step up my essays has made me feel stronger in my organization. I feel that me learning the proper steps of writing essays and taking the proper steps must help me be more successful withing my writing skills.

Throughout this semester learning the steps more efficiently for me has made it extremely progressive in my writing skills. For me when starting to get back into earning how to set up my essays why this was memorable for me because it helped me understand how to write structured essays. When entering this class, I felt I had lost a lot of knowledge from not being in school. I felt learning how to write essays in the right order and set up helped me tremendously with my confidence in writing skills. Why I felt that prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing had the most effect on my writing skills because I learned how to set my essays up in order where it makes sense to an audience. Overall, looking at each step in writing an essay have and does affect my writing skills.

When I see the different steps of writing an essay, we have the list of prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing here is why each of these steps has helped me progress in my writing skills. When prewriting for me why I affected my writing was I had to learn how to come up with ideas and by doing so I learned to be more creative with my writing. I felt that the drafting part my of paper and trying to set a basis for my essay, I reminded myself that I need to learn of the topic I was writing but also who was going to read it, and this helped me understand the importance of delivery of a topic and writing style. Later, throughout the semester, when revising my essays when having peer review made it easier to edit my work; this affected me because of different insights from someone else’s perspective. Editing and publishing for me went hand and hand, I felt when doing the two throughout the semester I could not publish my work without having edited mistakes. When learning how to edit my work made it an easier process to publish my work and without it, it would feel my work would be incomplete. When looking at the steps I feel they have overall helped me find a balance within my writing and a structure.

When assessing the work of writing an essay, some of the things that stood out to me while learning efficient writing skills throughout the semester was when we would peer-review. One of the experiences I felt bettered my understanding better of why we peer review was when we peer reviewed our I Believe essays. What stood out to me was when our TA had gone over my essay in class and gave my pointers, but I did not feel they made me feel worse because I got some things wrong, I felt it bettered my understanding and gave me a better insight into how I should write my essay. Overall, this experience with this peer review gave me a better understanding of why it is important to receive input from others when writing an essay.

When looking back this semester I feel that why learning how to write essays in the proper format, helped me with having a structure in my writing. I feel now that when peer-reviewing what others have to say when they are in the audience will help with how I write an essay. In having the help of learning these things, I felt I have progress in the way that I have learned how to write my essay in the right order. Lastly, when looking at the experiences have faced throughout this semester, I felt hat I’ve learn a proper way to write an essay and feel that peer review is very important to having a better essay, fulfilling my skills more as a writer.

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