Argumentative Essay Example: All Students Should Learn a Musical Instrument

📌Category: Education, Learning
📌Words: 504
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 05 August 2022

“The number of adults who wish they knew how to play the piano is more than ten times the number who actually do play” (Hidden Benefits). This is a startling statistic as many students growing up had not seen the benefits of learning an Instrument, because they never had the opportunity. Students presently have become lazy saying, learning an instrument is too hard, and have forgotten the many concealed advantages of learning an instrument. So many today are passing through Schooling learning Math, English, Science, History, and never given the opportunity to learn an Instrument. Therefore, all students should learn a musical instrument.” 

First, all students should learn a musical instrument because it builds character. 

Learning anything in life has its ups and downs, but once mastered the reward of satisfaction far outways the beginning struggles. “Hard Work” is a valued lesson for any student to learn for life. According to “The Hidden Benefits” (1985,6), in American Music teachers, teachers are now placing more emphasis on students’ “self-satisfaction” of learning more than how successful the music is. If a student feels discouraged in his training, and feels playing an instrument is not for him, then he will at least know he tried. So many Adults out there have never tried yet would love to have the knowledge now of how to play an Instrument. For students learning an instrument, will help them grow as a person, and in their life skills. 

Second, all students should learn a musical instrument because it improves cognitive function. Learning a musical instrument helps improve mental concentration, the ability to hold up under stress, memory skills, and reading ability. Frank R Wilson, a San Francisco neurologist (Hidden Benefits) unearthed that learning music had a positive outcome on both the body and the human brain, including that all kids have enough mental capacity to master any Instrument. An instrument may also have the opposite effect of stress on them. In their daily lives playing instruments allows them to take a break from daily stress and focus on something else. Music throughout time has been one of the greatest stress relievers for man to use, allowing a more positive mindset. A clear mind allows for a more efficient and effective mindset for a student during his studies. 

Third, all students should learn a musical instrument because it is beneficial for the steps of daily life. Dr. Wilson states “"Humans are special physically because of the exceptional control we have over the muscles of our hands, mouth, and face and because of the bonding of these gifts to our powers of communication," Learning an instrument helps train a student in their ability to communicate with their piers around them at such a crucial time. Once a student is able to master an instrument they will have a sense of self-satisfaction, and thankfulness that they ended up learning one. 

All students should take time to learn an instrument, so that they build character, improve brain power, and train everyday life skills. Simply as students their goal is to learn, and no better way to get started in a musical journey then a few basic lessons. Ultimately as the old saying goes you never know till you try, and the majority of adults today that never tried regret it.

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