Essay Sample on Online Learning

📌Category: Education, Learning
📌Words: 496
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 05 August 2022

Traditional schooling is a structure that has always been followed by the U.S. schooling system and encouraged by teachers and educators. In person schooling provides one on one and a better learning experience for all students attending. Due to what’s currently happening in the world, teachers and doctors have recommended to go virtual and stay safe during these hard moments. Virtual has allowed kids to learn at home and to stay safe. In 2020 one of the most dangerous viruses hit america; Covid 19. When covid started spreading, it led to the downfall of education and its system rooting to isolation. Doctors thought the solution to preventing the virus was to stay home and do virtual to avoid spreading germs and causing symptoms. Despite society claiming that in-person schooling is a more beneficial way to learn for students who have trouble learning, virtual is easier and is a better option right now due to world problems currently happening. Virtual offers students flexibility, helps their socializing and helps students with disabilities learn easier.

   Moreover online learning gives students the flexibility for them to study and finish all their classes in their own timing while still keeping track of their work. In the Article “Soha Saghir, a rising senior who co-chairs Haverford's honor council. "Taking tests on our own or doing tests on our own is a practice that is very much ingrained in our culture already."(Snyder 3)  Saghir is explaining how most students have already mastered doing their work alone due to their flexible schedules that keeps them oraganized and have them on track without having to be reminded .  

In additon, learning at home helps introverts be more confident and develop social skills easier while feeling secure. For example “Lucero, a stay-at-home mother from Colorado Springs, told CNN Business. " But my older daughter did so well with it. She started participating more with teachers and became more comfortable than when she was in a school setting. Her grades were amazing.''(Kelly 2) This is concluding on how students that aren’t social and lack socializing are coming out of their shell and are participating now that they're in a more comfortable environment. Feeling safer in their own bubble and being able to make friends or speak without struggling.

Finally students with disabilities have better chances to learn in virtual and doing their work at home by being in a quiet space while also being able to do it in their own way. Continuing “autism spectrum and sensory processing disorder, conditions that often make it harder for children to communicate, socialize and adapt to environmental changes, such as distracting noises in the classroom.” To sum it up, classrooms make students with disabilities harder to learn due to so much noise and distractions going on around them that they can't keep focus.Students that have disabilities work better in their own environment that they are comfortable in and focus more without getting distracted in the classroom. 

In short, virtual learning has become the greater option for students when it comes to learning. It has provided everything a student has needed just like a traditional classroom and has helped students in many forms. Traditional schooling is out and online is in!

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