Scholarship Essay Example

📌Category: Education, Scholarship
📌Words: 442
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 22 July 2022

I am currently a High School Senior, who has recently found out that I will be graduating a year early, graduating Class of 2022. Before Smyrna High, I attended Early College High School@Delaware State University, where I was about to earn 8 college credits with DSU. I am a very determined, independent, and compassionate young lady. I love helping others, it makes me happy and fills my heart with joy; I love putting a smile on people's faces. I take whatever I am doing seriously and always with pride. 

Since I was a little girl, I have always wanted to become a Dentist. When I was in elementary school, I made my decision that I wanted to specialize in Orthodontics.

After graduating in June, I plan to attend Delaware State University for 4years studying Biological Science. From there, I will enroll in a Dental Medicine program at either University of Pennsylvania or University of Maryland. I will continue to study Dental Medicine concentrating on Orthodontics, and earning my Doctorate Degree.

I plan to start my own dental practice, were I will be the owner and Orthodontist there, along with 1 to 2 Dentist, 3 Dental Hygienist, and 1 Receptionist serving our clients. It is a must that I start a special program that allows low-income families the opportunity to take care of their teeth and provide braces if needed, free of charge. In addition, I would like to have a mobile dentist office where my staff and myself can travel to different counties once a month, this is my way of giving back to the community with compassion and dedication; I think everyone deserves to have a beautiful smile, you would not believe how seeing or having a beautiful smile changes the way an individual feels.

Scholarships are very important, being able to win a scholarship would be a huge help for me, not to mention, it will take a lot of stress off my parents. Without help there will be no way my educational dreams can come true. My parents are awesome, they do everything for my brothers and I, but since the Coronavirus Pandemic, my father has been out of work and things have been really tight for us, but as my parents always say to us "As long as we have each other, we are good."

I can not express the importance of education, it means everything to me, I can handle ALL the book work given to me, but I can not handle the financial part, I need assistance financially. At the present time, Federal Financial Aid and any grants available to me, is what I am depending on to attend college, and that frightens me. Applying for scholarships was another option to help me attend college. Anyone who chooses me for a scholarship will not be disappointed with their decision, I will make you proud.

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