Psychology Course Analysis (Essay Example)

📌Category: Education
📌Words: 645
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 22 July 2022

Throughout  this semester I have learned many things about psychology that I can now put in apply to my current life now. This is a very good class especially to take your senior year because I have learned some ways to calm down when I get stressed especially next year. Some important things that I was able to grasp from unit 1 are the following. I was able to learn Sir Francis Galton studied the influence of heredity on human abilities and behavior. Galton was one of the main guys that I still know who he was and why he was important even to this day. Another thing that I learned about during the ch 1 unit was that the perspective that would study genes and how they influenced criminal acts was biological. The final important thing I was able to learn from the first unit was that Cross-Cultural Psychology and Sociocultural Psychology are the same. 

In the 2nd unit of psychology I learned that the central nervous system is divided into 2 parts which are the spine and the brain. Another thing that I can take with me from unit 2 was the Myelin Sheath serves as the insulator and protective coating  for a Neuron.  Second, I learned that the more we experience a particular stimulus, the better we get at dealing with it. Which I was able to learn quickly since it was one of the more common sense things that I will never forget even when I finish up this class. Third, the type of neurons pickup sensory stimuli and send it to the brain is the Afferent Neurons. Next, something that I never knew that I found interesting was that their are 31 pairs of nerve fibers in the spinal cord. To conclude what I learned in unit 2 is that something that I knew going into this lesson was that all electrical signals that come begin in the eye start as light.

The first thing that I learned from unit 3 was that their is not multiple ways that you can get rid of your stress level. This was interesting to me because I do often wonder how I can limit my stress during my day to a minimum. To bounce off of that I like to run almost every day I can to relax myself. Many people view running as a punishment while I consider it a stress reliver. Next, a cool fact I learned during this chapter is that chaos is not part of the general adaptation system. This was something that I had to look further into to make sure that I was and would be prepared to answer a question like this if I was to have it on a summative assessment. Third, it took me a while to understand and grasp the learning of the alarm stages, I tend to struggle remembering orders of things and I used word association to remember this for the test that we took. With the response stages I learned that I knew a lot of them and when it came to the test it was one of the more easy things that I found that I had to answer on it. 

Now onto Unit 4, the first thing that I can recall that I learned in unit 4 was that endorsing was not part of the 3 main process of memory. A cool thing that I learned from unit 4 was that our long term memory has enough room that their will be more than we will never need. This took me a while to wrap my head around because I was thinking that by the end of college that most of that would be used up from all of the classes that I would be taking year to year in the future. Next, another one of the things that took me a while to remember and almost stumped me on the test was the part of the memory that includes short and long term which is working memory, most of my classmates didn’t have a hard time with this but I did.

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