Smaller Classes Argumentative Essay Example

📌Category: Education, School
📌Words: 548
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 06 August 2022

Not only do students learn more in small classes, but they also learn faster (Small Classes, Big Possibilities par.13). Having smaller classes, students can get a better understanding and a better education in school. Classes with fewer numbers have more time with their teachers and don't fall behind, something a lot of students have trouble with. Therefore, it should be illegal to put more than 30 students in a classroom. 

Being in smaller classes can help student engagement. Students in smaller classes talk and participate more, leaving them with a better understanding of the subject (“Why Class Size Matters” par.7). Being in a smaller class you get to know your classmates better making you more comfortable around them making you like family. When students are in oversized classes they can hide in the back, so having smaller classes helps the reserved and shy kids not be forgotten. In smaller classes with less students it will simply be less chaotic (Reasons Why Small Class Size is Important par. 9) The students that have a hard time focusing and get easily distracted can really be impacted by smaller classes. This can make it easier on the teacher by not having to stop their lesson to quiet down the class; as a result it can also make them teach faster and cover more ground. Having smaller classes can help student engagement and provide a deeper understanding of their work. 

In smaller classes teachers have more one-on-one time with their students.

Students in smaller classes have up to three more times individual face time with their teacher (Reasons Why Smaller Class Size is Important par.2). The students who spend more time with their teachers are more likely to understand the subject they are learning. When teachers spend more time with their students they can identify their weaknesses, strengths and needs, which can help them not fall behind. With more one-on-one time with their teacher, students sense the teacher cares more about them and their work (Reasons Why Class Size matters par.2). Kids who feel like someone cares about them and their work are more likely to excel by wanting to please their teachers. Some kids don’t have good people to look up to, so having a teacher that cares about them and how well they do can change a kid's future. Students' ability to learn can be affected by the amount of time they spend with their teachers. 

Some schools are over filled with students and can’t afford more classrooms, teachers and sources for smaller classes. Although this is true, the major effects of the students in high school lead to academic and life success. According to the National Council of Teachers of English “The increased probability for all students having after school success is 2.7%, it is 5.4% for African American students and 7.3% for students in the poorest third of US schools” (par.8). The more people who get the opportunities to apply to college the more people off the streets which can decrease crime and improve citizenship. Having smaller classes has a very big impact on students later in life with college and academic success. 

Having more than 30 students in a classroom should be against the law. Smaller classes can really make an impact on students in high school and in college. Being able to spend more time with the teacher or having fewer distractions has been proven to help students academically and become a better person. The small numbers in the classroom can change students' lives and make them have better success in the future.

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