College Is Greatly Beneficial

📌Category: Education, Higher Education
📌Words: 947
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 15 April 2021

Derek Newton’s main thesis in his article, “Please Stop Asking Whether College Is Worth It” published on October 27, 2019, for is that attending college has appreciable benefits and is definitely worth it. Newton clearly expresses his stance as believing college is beneficial on this ongoing debate about the worth of college. Newton significantly uses many forms of the element logos to prove his stance. He explains and proves how the unemployment rate for students graduating college is very low and more importantly lower than students with just a high school diploma. The idea of how businesses are looking for high-quality talent which they believe is invested in people with a college diploma is distinctly explained by Newton. He further explains that businesses are willing to increase pay for those with a college diploma. This also explains another fact that the author describes which is that college graduates have a significantly higher salary than high school graduates. Newton also communicates that students also feel that the work they do in college is relating to their career interests which are proved by survey results in 2018. With such benefits, Newton clearly expresses the substantial worth of college within his article. The author highlights, “All things considered, the employment market is sending exceptionally clear signals that college works.” (Newton 12) Many college graduates have a stable job and a stable income which leads to a financially stable life. As Newton argues, attending college is very beneficial and worth it for students. 

According to Newton, attending college is beneficial for the students or worth it. Newton is correct in his assumption that college is worth it because graduating from college helps students get good jobs, a high salary which is promising financial stability. As the author argues, attending college is very beneficial and worth the effort for students. One statement that may be disagreeable in Newton’s article is, “There’s simply zero evidence that getting a college degree is anything but “worth it.”(Newton 6) I disagree with that statement because Ellen Ruppel Shell, the author of “College May Not Be Worth It Anymore” describes the financial problems relating to college. College tuition costs a great quantity of money and also causes many families to go into financial debt. With such high tuition rates, college may not seem like a great option but to aid with these financial problems solutions such as scholarships, tuition reimbursement programs, and grants exist. Families can safely look for other options instead of taking student loans to help students pursue further education. With solutions to what may seem like a major problem in attending college, college is useful or in other terms “worth it”. 

With the many benefits to attending college, students with a college diploma have a better chance of being employed than a student with only a high school diploma. The unemployment rates are very low for college graduates showing that most college graduates are employed and have a source of income. In the article “Please Stop Asking If College Is Worth It", the well-known author, David Newton, states, “the unemployment rate among college graduates is historically low – just 2.2% as of November 2018. For those with a high school diploma and no college, it was 3.5%, which is also great. But there’s no doubt you’re more likely to have a job if you have a college degree.”(Newton 7) Newton clearly expresses that there is a significantly low percentage of the college graduate population that is unemployed and is agreeable when he states that it is more likely to be employed when holding a college degree. Shayna Joubert, a marketing manager and the author of the article “10 Benefits of Having a College Degree'' explains that, “College graduates see 57 percent more job opportunities than non-graduates, and it is estimated that, by 2020, two-thirds of all jobs will require postsecondary education.”(Joubert 5) Both sources and statistics show that college graduates have high chances of being employed or having a stable source of income. Newton explains that the unemployment rates are very low for students with a college diploma and is more likely to have a job than high school graduates. Joubert expresses statistics that show how there are more job opportunities for people with a college degree and how recently employers are requiring a college degree for most job availability. When analyzing the information presented by both statistics, there is a higher chance of being employed when holding a college degree.

In addition to the list of college benefits, the population who graduated college will have a high salary. Employees holding a college degree earn a significantly higher salary than an employee with a high school diploma. Newton references Doug Webber, a professor, who reveals, “The typical college graduate will earn roughly $900,000 more than the typical high school graduate over their working life,”(Newton 4). From an analysis made by the bureau of labor statistics, it was found that “Bachelor’s degree holders make an average of $1,173 per week, or $60,996 each year. That is more than $17,500 more than associate degree holders and nearly $25,000 more than high school graduates”(Joubert 16) The two articles show evidence that the population of people holding a college degree earns higher salary wages than high school graduates. Newton even expresses that college graduates make significantly more money than high school graduates over one's lifetime. Joubert expresses the same idea as Newton but with a different set of statistics. In more detail, Joubert presents information about how even the annual pay for college graduates is notably greater than a high school graduate. With the notable benefit of remarkably high pay for individuals with a college degree, the value of attending college is clearly evident.

In brief, Newton strongly argues that attending college has great benefits and is worth it. I agree with Newton and his stance in this ongoing debate. With such high salary wages and a great number of job opportunities, the value of a college diploma rises despite its high tuition fees. Holding a college diploma can lead many students into a financially stable life. Having such vital benefits, a college degree has proved itself of its exceptional worth and value.

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