Essay Example about Writing Skills

📌Category: Education, Writing
📌Words: 629
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 01 July 2022

Are your writing skills good enough for courses other than English? Having good writing skills allows people to put their thoughts into words and send out a message through their writing. During my first semester at East Bay, I learned how important writing skills are for improving my writing. They’re skills everyone needs no matter what course they are taking. In order to have good writing skills, you must know how to be a critical thinker, reader, and writer. 

In the same way, having a critical mindset can lead someone into having better writing skills. When I understood how to not only think and write critically, but also learned how to read it. It showed me new strategies and ways I could make my writing stronger. For example, thinking critically has helped me become more of an analyzer when writing essays. Rather than becoming a narrator. Not only does it benefit my thinking, but also my writing. When having a critical writer's mindset, I can create a good and clear structure to my writing. It also gives me a way to create strong points in my papers. Knowing how to formally write good papers or even paragraphs is always beneficial. Writing is used in any subject you’re studying or in any career path you’re going into. Having good writing skills and a critical mindset leads me to better my writing for all the courses I'm taking this semester and future courses. When learning new things like writing skills, challenges are always there to help you learn. 

On the other hand, challenges have been presented when learning new skills in writing. When writing papers, having good writing skills are important because it's needed for you to become an analyzer rather than a narrator. Specifically, this skill brought me challenges because I would paraphrase the author's words. Instead of analyzing them and writing them in my own words. Having this challenge showed me that paragraphing and analyzing are not the same thing. Not only did I have a challenge in analyzing my writing, but also struggled with finding topics to research. Finding topics was hard for me because I would only focus on what had the most information on a specific topic. I learned that when doing research papers it's best to research a topic you're interested in for you to have motivation in doing your best on the paper. Just like learning, writing also comes with challenges. But those challenges help you learn more and understand what works for you when working on different papers. 

When I faced challenges in my writing, I had to wrestle with my complexity and ambiguity to overcome these challenges. Which then led me to feel confident in my writing. Challenges led me to see what I needed to fix or overcome in my writing. I noticed writing was complex because it has to be written in a way others can comprehend it without having any formal knowledge of the topic. For instance, when writing you need to find the right words or the correct phrases to use to correctly deliver the message you want in your writing. Once I found out how to deliver my message through my writing, it increased my confidence as a writer. I started to feel that the quality of my essays was getting better because of how much effort I would put into them and because I used my writing skills. Learning from challenges and finding out how to avoid ambiguities in my writing helped me gain confidence and taught me how to write more effectively. 

Overall, everything I've learned throughout my writing course this semester, it’s not only taught me good writing skills but also how to feel confident with what I am writing. Writing comes with so many benefits for people no matter what courses they are taking. Learning new skills also comes with challenges, but every struggle comes with a new learning opportunity. No matter where you are or doing, always remember to feel confident in what you are writing because your writing delivers a message to others about yourself.

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