Technology in the Classroom Essay Example

📌Category: Education, Science, Technology
📌Words: 738
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 06 August 2022

Technology grows and changes daily from new advances in VR technology to the creation of flying cars. Nevertheless, this same technology has played a big impact on schools and education around the world. In addition, due to the impact of Covid-19, the importance of having technology in the classroom has increased exponentially from online meetings to doing all of your work online. With the ever-rising importance on the horizon, it is important to identify how technology is helping students around the world are using it to learn. Technology makes school easily accessible, you can use online resources to help advance your education and open students to a new world outside of school online, on the other hand online learning increases the daily screen time usage significantly.

All around the world many students have been restricted by the confinement of their homes. The use of modern technology like Chromebooks, phones, and even emails, have greatly affected the accessibility of online education. For instance, if you were not feeling great or could not come to school using your device you can look at all of the work that was done in class online. This includes assignments, homework, and even projects removing the need for worrying about missing assignments. According to an article from Northwestern University ¨online courses provide greater flexibility, allowing students to do their work when they are most capable of it, rather than when the class is scheduled¨ (Northwestern University). This is a great example of a situation where the importance of online education can help change the way many students learn. Also, this helps those students who can always attend classes because of problems outside of school. Using the benefits of online accessibility makes it “easier to access for students with mobility issues, who can work from their homes instead of trying to navigate inaccessible campuses and classrooms¨ (Northwestern University). For example, if a student could not attend a class in person he or she can join online classes or check work online to help catch up. A great example of this is if you had a family emergency and had to go out of town the use of online work will ensure that he or she does not fall behind or stress out about the assignments.

In addition to the benefit of accessibility, technology has also played a huge role in introducing and encouraging the use of online resources to help their education. Also, using technology and the internet can help expose many students to a new world outside of school. Online resources like Khan Academy, YouTube, and many others all play a role in helping students learn outside the classroom. There are many ways for students to learn online as written by Katie Myers “Through the internet, however, we now have access to hundreds of different types of educational resources, from websites to educational games, podcasts and audiobooks” (Myers). The use of these online resources helps students learn in an entertaining way, get help about things they don't understand online, and even learn new things completely. Therefore, aiding many students' learning and experience. Technology and online learning can also help expand the horizons for students show by an article written by University of St. Augustine “Connecting with classmates from all around the world can help you share different cultural perspectives on your field, which makes you a more broad-minded practitioner” (University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences).

On the contrary, though online learning and the use of technology in education can be beneficial in many ways there are also problems that come along with it. One of biggest being the increased amount of screen time the excessive use of technology and screens can cause you issues. As written in an article from the Washington Post “she has already cried twice because her head hurt from squinting at the screen” which is just one of the many cases in which screen time has taken effect (Heather Kelly). In addition the same article from the Washington Post also states that “headaches, anxiety and exhaustion” are also side effects of the extended use of screens (Heather Kelly). However, it is not as simple as just getting rid of it. For most students online school is the online way for them to learn and interact with others leaving no other options. Instead we can overcome this problem by tackling the issue itself, by limiting the time students are forced to spend in front of a screen to help keep them healthy while still enjoying learning.

To conclude, the use of technology in education makes it easily accessible, opens you up to new possibilities and resources, however it increases your daily screen time usage. All in all we can conclude that the addition of technology into the classroom can help improve education rather than devastate it.

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