Personal Essay Example about Coding

📌Category: Life, Myself, Science, Technology
📌Words: 468
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 06 August 2022

What makes a person do what they do to lose track of time? The idea of coding is a particularly hard to know experience. How does coding engage me more than other ideas or topics out there because how a simple line of code can make something happen in real time in front of your very own eyes. When I first started to begin coding the struggles of understanding the concept and how it works is confusing to everyone at the basic level. As I progressed through the struggles of understanding the topic of coding it's truly fascinating. Every day as I wake up the lingering idea of coding still floats around as time flies by when you start pressing down on the keys on the keyboard and the flow of time steeps right away. Coding captivates me because it fascinates me how some lines of code can make a website work and other people can view it just by typing in a hyperlink. As a developer coding is problem solving as one small semi colon can make the whole website stop working. It captivates me because when I first started the easiest part would be actually coding while the hardest part is keeping track of when the class ends because as the fingers start going with the flow and so does your mind time fly just in a snap. Coding has captivated me to keep trying even if a single code fails and it displays on the website with nothing showing as that's part of my learning process because you learn from your mistakes to not make them again.

When I get stuck on something I haven't learned yet or yet to learn I turn to courses I have about web development. I turn to Andrei from ZTM who is a software developer that made a course to teach his students about web development and has good videos on how to do this example or that example. Andrei has made many courses that is related to coding and programming which students like me are ambitious that are trying to pursue a career into web development. Another person I turn to and talks about web development is Joshua who's a currently a web developer and has a YouTube channel teaching students like me or adults wanting to change their careers. Joshua gives valuable information that helps students and review other students work to show the pros and cons of coding. These two people are why I'm still continue coding as their information is being given to others to help them with growing their potential in coding and excel into a job that would be their future. I code on my free time as it helps me focus on something that I would be doing when I graduate High School and potentially into college. The fun of fixing your mistakes and seeing it works makes me feel amazing as coding isn't a simple task that anyone can do because it needs dedication and time.

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