Importance of VR Learning Persuasive Essay Example

📌Category: Education, Learning, Science, Technology
📌Words: 467
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 23 July 2022

Some people feel as if they don’t need VR learning.Others feel as it’s necessary that we do have VR learning. I  feel as if we do need vr learning because it helps us stay on task. One reason, If we do not  return to school this semester and we don’t have VR learning, we wouldn’t  have enough knowledge to advance to the next grade. Another reason we need VR learning is because  we would be at home just playing and watching TV. Our focus will be on relaxing and we will forget what we have learned. Finally,  if we don't have VR learning,  we will not be ready to take the milestones. We won't know some of the stuff that’s on the test and we  will be forced to guess the answer.

One reason I feel this way is because, we would be behind on the 5th grade tasks that we should have learned before the 6th grade.We also  wouldn’t be able to solve new Math Problems, or learn different things about ELA and Ss/s Since we did not learn new 5th grade work.Once we have arrived the 6th grade more will be harder because you did not learn it in the 5th grade. So Some it might come to you as confusing.You also might end up behind and need more help with certain things more often. 

Another reason I feel like this  is because you would forget a lot of the things we’ve learned in class because we are unproductive watching TV and playing games. We would have to take more pre-test because we have forgotten a lot of the work, and we’ll have to learn it all over. It is your responsibility to make sure you look over your work and your virtual assignment so you won’t forget. You know that kids don’t really like school, but when you forget and  don't do your work it makes it harder for yourself. 

My Final reason is, when it’s time to take the GA Milestones, you will have to guess because you didn’t have time to learn everything. Since you didn’t learn each thing you are forced to guess the answer. If you guess that can bring you test scores down .When you don't pass Georgia Milestones you will have to repeat the grade or go to summer school. Vr learning is more important than you think. As well as passing the GA Milestones.  

In conclusion, I hope this essay helped you learn how VR learning is very  important during a crisis.Virtual Learning allows students to talk to their teacher and ask questions. It also helps students stay caught up on their assignments and studies.Virtual Learning  also allows us to stay safe so that we don’t put our families in danger. VR learning makes you smarter, not bored. Your teachers are just tryingtry to help you grow so you can be the person you want to be  in life.

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