Essay Sample on Role of Internet in Education

📌Category: Education, Internet, Learning
📌Words: 464
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 07 August 2022

The internet may seem as if it is a wonderful place to get fast easy access to information, to connect with people around the world, and to gain more knowledge just by inputting letters onto the search bar, but what ugly truth does the internet hide from people? As technology seemingly improves and gets more advanced by the minute research shows that as humans use technology more often people start to gain shorter and shorter attention spans that create mental health issues and as generations pass they will soon also be even more dependent on the internet to grant them anything they ask for. 

Students are very codependent on the internet and the internet tantalizes them to focus their eyes on the message that their friends sent, who liked their posts on Instagram and Tik Tok, etc. All these thoughts that are racing through a child's mind obstruct the focus on reading the passage, solving the circumference of a circle, or studying for any course they may be taking. The internet does something that people don't realize,  the internet seems to be chipping the ability to concentrate and keep that concentration (Tan).  Another key point that goes along with the fact that the internet disrupts our critical thinking is when we have to move back and forth from one task to another. By multitasking on the internet research shows that it “can add substantially to our cognitive load, impeding our thinking and increasing the likelihood that we’ll overlook or misinterpret important information” (Carr).  If students overlook important information that the text may hold while doing an exam or homework it can result in them getting the answer wrong and dropping their grade. As another result, constant use of the internet and codependency brings our attention span down bringing the chance of developing mental health issues higher. Constant notifications that the phone brings can lead to always checking the phone and then every time someone looks back doesn't allow them to have high stamina and to have the intention to focus longer (Oremus). Without the practice of learning to keep the focus on one thing at a time then someone could be greatly affected, not only in school but also in real life.

Some people think that the internet may have a good effect on our thinking due to the study that when older people use the internet their brains were founded to work two times more effectively. However, older citizens have already been to school and already know how to analyze texts, but the use of using the internet to explore is something advanced being introduced to them but when it comes to younger generations they overuse the internet leading to distractions (Tan). Others may say that the internet gives us faster access to knowledge, but as time passes and big companies create futuristic technology it “ begins to collapse the distance between our minds and the clouds” (Oremus). Google has already planned to create glasses that answer any question a person desires.

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