Persuasive Essay Example on Sport Should Be Mandatory at School

đź“ŚCategory: Education, School, Sports
đź“ŚWords: 244
đź“ŚPages: 1
đź“ŚPublished: 07 August 2022

There are various educational institutions that require every pupil to engage in the sports events organised by the school. It is argued by individuals that athletics plays a significant role in gaining the experience, thus a law should be there for compulsory participation in these events. Whereas, according to the other part of the society students must be given freedom to decide whether they want to participate or not. In my opinion, it should be required for the learners to be a participant in these organised school sports and my opinions are further exaggerated in the subsequent paragraphs.

To embark upon, there is a deluge of arguments about this stance but the most preponderant one is that school children should engage in the organised sports events in order to learn something new as a part of school life and I believe the same because according to a study published in the yearly report of Glasgow University, the students who were athletes in their institution's athletics’ event possessed more experiences towards teamwork and sportsmanship as compared to other child. 

Moreover, such children are more health conscious and fit than rest of their mates. To further elaborate, in Russia every student must go through organised school sports, so that they develop various gestures like not giving up and improved mental health as sports teaches to fight all sort of circumstances.

To recapitulate, it can be reinstated that participation in sports should be made mandatory by the school's as it takes pupil's knowledge about various aspects to an another level and they even stay healthy than average student.

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