Should College Athletes Be Paid Essay Example

📌Category: Athletes, Education, Sports
📌Words: 338
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 03 July 2022

College student athletes have to find ways to stay on top of school and stay on top of their sport all while finding a way to have money to pay for school. Even though their sport is taxing on their body and takes up most spare time as well as some school time. College athletes are also expected to go on television which generates money for their school and other organizations that these athletes may never see. For these reasons I think college student athletes should be paid.

When it comes to young people and money you may be worried about how someone so young could handle a large sum of money because even professional athletes have money troubles after they retire. However, college students already struggle with getting the necessities they need to survive and college athletes have to buy products to help aid with their performance and injuries caused by their sport. As a result of those costs a large amount of that money will go to those things and the athletes will be left with a reasonable amount of money. Some people believe that paying college student athletes will turn the sport into a business. Except that it is already a business that these students are a part of but don't see any of the benefits of. Being an athlete while in school is a full-time job and are constantly advertising for their school yet coaches are the ones who receive bonuses for breaking records that the students put in all the work to break. Furthermore, Division 1 and Division 2 may get full scholarship tuition however this leaves out Division 3 athletes who do not receive a full ride yet universities only care about the ability of the players to perform and if they can no longer perform to these standards then they lose their scholarship.

Therefore, college student athletes should be paid. College students already struggle with having enough money to pay for necessities, for the hard work other people make money on, and because if they get injured they could lose their scholarship. Given these points it is clear that college student athletes are not receiving the compensation they deserve.

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