Should Schools Have a Later Start Time Essay Example

đź“ŚCategory: Education, School
đź“ŚWords: 364
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 09 August 2022

Some of us agree that school should start later but should it? Well as a student myself i think that it would be great because it would improve students grades and attendance. 

One reason that will definitely benefit students is that if the students get more sleep they will tend to participate more than if we kept the same start time. One piece of evidence that supports this reason, comes from Kyla Wahlstrom she studies the science of sleep at the university of Minnesota in Minneapolis she is a former teacher and has spent a lot of time with sleep deprived students she said “An incredible number of students are either sleeping at their desks or they’re zoned out, in a fog,”  so this shows that having a very early start time for school will affect teens.

A second reason to have a later start time is that not only it would affect the students attendance in a good way but it would also help the students concentrate more. One piece of evidence that supports this comes from Finley Edwards he says ¨start times really do matter. We can see clear increases of academic performance on just starting school later.¨  This really does show that if any student has an extra hour of sleep it can help them in their performance and overall get better grades.

Furthermore, one benefit for students is their physical health because when students get an extra hour of sleep their physical health will improve because their muscles will feel stronger if they get up at 8:00 or 9:00 am and when students get more sleep they will feel more motivated to do sports and more physical activity.

On the other hand, Some people don't think that school start times should stay the same because it would cost more money to have students wake up later. Although this is true, it wouldn´t boost students' attendance or grades. Furthermore, it would decrease their amount of sleep and physical activity and students need some physical activity to stay healthy but if they don't get more sleep they would be at risk for obesity or other health problems. So we need to do what is best for teens that have sleep issues and if the start times change students would be in a better mood than if they woke up earlier.

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