Essay On Unequal Access To Education

📌Category: Education, Higher Education, Racism, School, Social Issues
📌Words: 583
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 10 September 2021

Certain reasons can always fall in many circumstances that allow students to struggle in 

surviving for what they deserve in their educational career. Some can lead towards roughly 

adapting with time management, critical judgement based upon skin tones and stereotypes, and 

the motivation that becomes less continuous towards the road to success. It’s never simple to 

overcome rough challenges that hold us back from getting an education that shouldn’t be based 

upon biases or competitions. In honest perspective, I believe there is an unequal broken system of opportunities that reveals the level of opposite groups from lowest, middle and highest reputation of students on academic performances, educational skills and fairness of equality. 

One of the problematic reasons could be discovered by students with different levels of expectations that require professional performance criteria by playing favoritism against other ethical groups. Hammond from the article Unequal Opportunity: Race and Education reports, “Recent analyses of data prepared for school finance cases in Alabama, New Jersey, New York, Louisiana, and Texas have found that on every tangible measure—from qualified teachers to curriculum offerings—schools serving greater numbers of students of color had significantly fewer resources than schools serving mostly white students (5).” The quotation explains that according to different states of laws, they are choosing to give less support for all civilians of skin tones by not allowing students to have an equal opportunity to enroll in getting an education rather than more for white people. Moreover, it is a problem that the broken system needs to be revised.

One of the second problematic reasons that affects students on getting unequal opportunities can be students showing off their educational skills; making scenes as a competition bias that leads towards negative activities. Hammond in the article Unequal Opportunity: Race and Education acknowledges, “Americans often forget that as late as the 1960s most African-American, Latino, and Native American students were educated in wholly segregated schools funded at rates many times lower than those serving whites and were excluded from many higher education institutions entirely (4).” The quotation states in challenging the opposite ethical groups in showing discouragement for hardly getting an education for better enormous opportunities and lifestyle based upon their skins except for whites. Furthermore, I believe it would reveal unprofessional behavior for students to create challenges against others that won’t allow them to become successful in their careers for the future. 

Finally, one of the last reasons that harms students of unequal opportunity for getting an education is fairness of equality. Hammond in the articles Unequal Opportunity: Race and Education describes, “In all of the current sturm und drang about affirmative action, “special treatment,” and the other high-volatility buzzwords for race and class politics in this nation, I would offer a simple starting point for the next century s efforts: no special programs, just equal educational opportunity (21).” The quotation argues for better changes and equal rights to make things fair and less of an obstacle for certain race groups to not get equal opportunity and to be treated the same level of respect as to be accepted like others. Thereby, the broken system can only be fixed if by showing compassion and being more giving with equal behavior for others and not for themselves. 

Students from all over the globe need to stop and figure out what they are doing to determine whether it's right or wrong. Moral values as a person are highly important no matter who they are; if people or students with poor values don’t learn to give to others then that considers them as a failure of life. As restoring character in a certain country and region could result in how severe race inequality warfare creates bad circumstances unbalancing. In word of favor, always remember that no matter what side they can learn to be selfless for others including people of different stereotypes.

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