Same Sex Marriage Essay Example

📌Category: Family, LGBTQ, Social Issues
📌Words: 471
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 03 September 2021

I believe that anyone should have the right to marry, same-sex or not. I believe that the point of marriage is love, and to have same-sex marriage be illegal just because it’s between people of the same sex is wrong, and unfair, as same-sex couples can love each other just as heterosexual couples may love each other. To outlaw same-sex marriage is to outlaw love. I  feel as though it is important for same-sex marriage to be legal, and I believe that representation for same-sex marriage in media is also important, as it will show younger people that experience same-sex attraction that they are not different, or weird.

Organizations, demographics, and taking the role of the other side

One organization that supports my position on same-sex marriage is the human rights campaign. The human rights campaign or HRC, is a national organization that's been around since 1980 and fights for LGBTQ equality and inclusion. We, the organization and I, share the belief that people have the right to marry and love whomever they want, regardless of sex or gender.

People that are more likely to oppose same sex marriage are white evangelical protestents, because it goes against their religion, people born in older generations, as same-sex marriage was not considered “normal” back when they were growing up, and republicans/rightwing leaning people. People more likely to favor or support samesex marriage are people born in more recent generations, as they are more open to learning about other things, people that don’t consider themselves religious, as many people that are gay/lesbian arent religious because many religions are not accepting, and people that are democrats/left leaning people. 

By taking the role of the other, I do understand how someone could oppose LGB (Lesbian, gay, bi) marriage, especially for religious reasons. One may feel that legalizing gay marriage directly goes against what God says, which is why many are against it. Many republicans are also christians, which is why they don’t support gay people, it goes against their religion, and they don’t want to upset god, or sin, and they may think that supporting it counts as a sin, because “guilty by association”. By putting myself in the shoes or taking the role of people from older generations, I understand why they may not accept it, as it was not a social norm back when they were growing up. If people were painting their skin green I would think that’s strange because when I was growing up no one was painting their skin green, if you changed green skin with gay people, it’s easier to understand why older people are less supportive.

In conclusion, marriage should be between people that love each other. Sex should not matter so long as there is love between the people getting married. While it is understandable that some people have reasons they see valid as to why they should not support same sex marriage, it does not excuse the way that many people against it treat homosexual people very poorly. Everyone should have the right to love who they love.

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