Essay Sample on Bullying

📌Category: Bullying, Social Issues
📌Words: 684
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 09 August 2022

Girls whisper. Boys laugh. I sit there like it's nothing, they think it doesn't bother me. I look up, they are whispering, looking at me and laughing. Inside, deep down, I know, deep down I think we all do. They stare. They look away. They whisper, and the cycle starts once again. As students, we feel like bullying is not as important to adults anymore because they don't realize how much it can affect a person's mental health. This can lead to many kids taking physical action and possibly causing damage to others. The Klein Cain student who allegedly brought a firearm to school was more than likely bullied, some students feel so violated by the way students act towards them that they act out.

Mental Health is a very important thing people tend to overlook. Teens that suffer from bullying go through so much, and some people don't even realize the effects it can have on a person. Children that are constantly being bullied can experience a wide range of effects. Like Depression, anxiety, and it can even severely damage a person's self-esteem. These victims tend to feel like lonely outcasts. Feeling this way can make you want to do things you shouldn't, and more often than not this leads to being severely suicidal. This can critically impact the way the students learn at school. In school we should feel safe, we shouldn’t be scared that we will get made fun of.

Schools should have drills on what to do when being bullied or when seeing someone being harrassed. They need to teach us what we can control and what we can't.

Michael J. Fox, a victim of bullying, believes that “One's dignity may be assaulted” that he was “vandalized and cruelly mocked” and the pain and hurtful threats he received “can never be taken away unless I surrender.” 

In even some circumstances students who have been bullied may even take physical action.

Taking physical action can hurt others and yourself,  leading to suicide. Bullies will pick on you no matter what, if you're not skinny enough or if you're too skinny and so much more. These bullies make many students want to unalive themselves because in these kids' eyes we have to be perfect. If we aren't perfect enough for them they will depict us until we can't take it anymore and sadly this leads to many kids killing themselves. A young woman by the name of Kelly Yeomans had an “accidental” overdose, her peers bullied her, making her want to kill herself. There were 5 youths who were convicted for “intentionally harassing” an innocent girl. She felt like she needed to take her life to make others' lives happier. The crucial years of people constantly reminding her how imperfect she was, she will never get back those years. Maybe she could have done something great with herself. Yes they did get put in jail, but she will never get the justice she deserves.

Some believe that bullies are created by their parents. If one's parent tends to be more aggressive or rather forceful this may cause the child to live in fear of approval. A kid that feels disliked by his or her peers may use this as a mechanism to gain respect by their peers. Honestly, bullying has been a debatable topic for many years. My argument is that middle school bullying should be more closely looked at. Most people think that in middle school kids don't get bullied that much or that it  isn't worth them caring for. Isn't it time for the students, family members, and teachers to do more to prevent kids from feeling this way. Many kids take their lives every year. Everyone was raised and grown differently, but this dosen’t give anyone the right to bully someone into suicide. Weight, height, mental appearance and physical appearance shouldn't matter to kids our age.

As students grow we need to learn to be nicer and not be rude all the time, and for the adults/teachers they need to pay more attention to their students and/or children. A lot of the time bullying goes unnoticed to them and when brought to their attention, ultimately don't seem to care all that much. If you ever see someone getting made fun of or getting picked on wouldn't you wanna be the reason they dont kill themselves? As a community don't you think we could do better?

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