The Importance Of Gun Control Essay Example

đź“ŚCategory: Gun Control, Law, Social Issues
đź“ŚWords: 945
đź“ŚPages: 4
đź“ŚPublished: 04 June 2021

In a single day, there is one thing that prevents several crimes and injuries. Gun control. Gun control can save thousands of lives in one single day, but that is not all that they do. They can also prevent criminals and bad people from even having a firearm in the first place. When the laws were first established, gun-related homicides went down by almost 35%. Even though the gun control laws are a good thing, some people still believe that the laws are bad and that we should remove them. While there are some reasons this can be true, it still stands that there are many people who disagree. The gun control laws should always be a thing and should never be taken down because they are effective and they are all important with a different purpose for each law.

Gun control laws are important because each law has its own unique purpose. For example, the website is a very well-written article about the permitless carry law. And this article, states, “The majority of Americans support concealed carry permitting systems that provide firearm safety training and ensure that only responsible gun owners can carry concealed guns in public.” The most logical conclusion one can draw from this is that the permitless carry law is effective and safe because it announces here that people are only granted gun concealment licenses, once they are proven to be responsible with a firearm in the public. This evidence is also helpful to the claim by giving a specific example towards the reason that the laws are useful. Furthermore, a transcript of a podcast done by State representative Dennis Baxley on George Zimmerman states, “Concealed carry permitting systems typically require training to carry firearms responsibly in public. Permitless carry laws strip away this critical safety component.” This evidence proves that each law has its own unique purpose by giving the purpose of the permitless-carry law. This example is very strong because it not only gives an example, but it gives the definition of the law. In a quick summary, each gun control law is very unique, and the fact that there is more than one law, there can be so many possible gun restrictions in order to protect people. 

Not only are they all important and unique, but they are also all very effective when put together. To start off, the professor of epidemiology, wrote an article on gun control, and that article states, “The impact and limitations of specific gun laws on firearm mortality in America are documented in a new study published today in the British medical journal The Lancet and co-authored by Columbia Law School Professor Jeffrey A. Fagan, a leading expert on crime, law, and social policy. Gun violence is a major public health concern in the U.S., with about 90 people killed each day by firearms”(Jeffery Fagan 1). This quote expresses the concerns with guns every day but also urges that a study was documented every day on the limitations and impact of the laws. A second example of how effective gun control laws can be, a fact sheet from, states, “The majority of Americans support concealed carry permitting systems that provide firearm safety training and ensure that only responsible gun owners can carry concealed guns in public.” This quote assures that the laws are effective because of how they work. The quote also expresses how the laws prevent irresponsible people from getting their hands on guns in the first place. In summary, gun control laws are not only unique, but they are all very effective in making sure people with guns are responsible for them. 

Even though most sources will say that the laws are important and effective, there are still many people who think that the laws are ineffective and only prevent people from doing things that don’t matter. To start off, Amy Swearer wrote an article on gun control, and something that she protested is, “If we're truly serious, however, about reducing gun violence rates and increasing personal safety, we must ensure that policy decisions are made with an eye toward facts and reality, not panic and outrage.” Okay, Amy protests that the laws were only created because the creator of them was offended, hurt, or something which causes him to create these laws out of rage or panic. This is not 100% true. To prove this, an article on the National Firearms Act(NFA), was written by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, this article states, “As structured in 1934, the NFA imposed a duty on persons transferring NFA firearms, as well as mere possessors of unregistered firearms, to register them with the Secretary of the Treasury. If the possessor of an unregistered firearm applied to register the firearm as required by the NFA, the Treasury Department could supply information to State authorities about the registrant’s possession of the firearm. State authorities could then use the information to prosecute the person whose possession violated State laws.” This quote from the article is very effective towards explaining my claim by explaining all about what they are and a reason as to why they were created. It does this by telling that the laws are to protect people and only lets good people get their hands on guns, and that is why they were created. They were created to protect not just the creator himself, but to protect everyone from bad people with bad intentions. To summarize, there are many sources that can say that will say that the gun control laws are ineffective and are a waste of time. 

For a summary of the essay, gun control laws should always be a thing and should never be taken down because they are effective and they are all important with a different purpose for each law. Even though some sources may say that the laws are pointless, you should still consider being with the laws instead of against them. People should really take the laws in and really consider them as good protection. Only then can the laws truly be enforced and maybe even have more and more purpose and effectiveness.

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