The Main Causes Of The Holocaust Essay Example

📌Category: Antisemitism, History, Holocaust, Nazi Germany, Social Issues, War
📌Words: 1001
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 28 April 2021

“You can sway a thousand men by appealing to their prejudices quicker than you can convince one man by logic.”― Robert A. Heinlein Why did the Holocaust happen? Well, that no one can say for sure one big reason was that Hitler hated jews but, he also gained the Germans people's trust and fed them lie after lie. And with that trust he built, he could get them to believe lies, and one of those lies he told them was that jews were bad, greedy, that they all looked a certain way, and that was only some of the lies he told.“Think of the press as a great keyboard on which the government can play.”-Joseph Goebbels  And that is what they did. They played their people like a computer game, the keys on the keyboard being the controls and each key being more and more propaganda to the point where it worked because people saw it so much it was embedded in their brain. According to the design of Nazi propaganda, Hitler aimed to get the German people to believe in his ideals and prepare them for war.

Hitler and the Nazis did not just want one group of people to believe the propaganda, they wanted everyone to believe it. Why did propaganda even fool so many of the smartest of people? “If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed” “Adolf Hitler Mein Kampf”  This seemed to be Hitlers’ belief about propaganda and how it fooled so many.”The man who has no sense of history is like a man who has no ears or eyes.'' “Adolf Hitler Mein Kampf” Many people did not know what propaganda was, and when people don’t understand how something works or what it is they fall prey to propaganda traps and end up being able to be controlled. “It is always a much easier task to educate uneducated people than to re-educate the miseducated.” “Herbert M. Shelton, Getting Well” And if someone knew it was propaganda and was all false information they would likely be killed, or they would have to act as they obey Hitler’s ideals.  “The Nazi goal of Der ewige Jude is to be the first film to portray an unmasked picture of world Jewry, and to be a "valuable tool in the struggle to break the power of the Jews over the Aryan race." “Der ewige Jude” This was part of the big goal of making the Germans people worry about the Jews. They used this film as an outline to try to define the enemy and show that to the German people. 

Hitler and the Nazis used stereotypes in their propaganda to show who was not socially acceptable. They made posters “showing what Jews looked like” they used characteristics like big noses and a beard. Nazi propagandists utilized pre-existing identities and stereotypes to give a false portrayal of Jews. In this false view, Jews were an “alien race” that fed off the host nation, poisoned its lifestyle, seized its economy, and enslaved its workers and farmers. The Nazis claimed that “race-mixing” through marriage weakened Germany. The Nazis also said Jews wanted to destroy the church from the inside out. “Public displays of antisemitism in Nazi Germany took a variety of forms, from posters and newspapers to films and radio addresses.” “Defining the Enemy” Even though Germany used to have Jews and Germans together and their economy was flushing that all changed in a matter of years. Hitler was soon to take away the Jews civil rights law rights and make them outcast of the nation.”These so-called outsiders included Jews, Roma (Gypsies), homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Germans viewed as genetically inferior and harmful to national health." “Defining the Enemy” If there was anyone or a group of people Hitler did not like, he would make the outsiders and outcasts of the nation.

The Hitler Youth used propaganda to train kids to be soldiers and to get them to believe in Hitler’s ideals. What was the Hitler Youth and what was it used for? The Hitler youth was a group or an organization of the Nazi part that started in 1922 and was used to train kids mostly boys for war and it would also train girls to be able to take care of a family and how to work in the fields and factories. The Hitler Youth trained many soldiers and medics. This was a pivotal part of Hitler’s plans and to help make Germany's army stronger. Even in the Hitler Youth, they used tons of propaganda and they would set examples of people to show the kids who were good and who were bad and teach them right from wrong. In February 1920 Hitler presented a 25-point Program to a Nazi Party meeting “In the 25-point program, Nazi Party members publicly declared their intention to segregate Jews from "Aryan" society and to revoke Jews' political, legal, and civil rights. Point 4 of the program, for example, stated that.” “Defining the Enemy” And they would teach the kids in Hitler Youth to enforce these laws and obey them.

After the tyranny, he caused to the Jews and many others harmed by Hitler’s radical ideals and beliefs he killed himself. The world will never understand Hitler or why he hurt so many. Right before Hitler’s suicide, all the consecration camps had been liberated and many millions of Jews were starting to try to recover from the horrors and atrocities of the concentration camps. Not too long after on May 8, 1945, Nazi Germany had surrendered, And on September 2, 1945, the worst war this world had seen ended tens of millions of dead families separated countries destroyed.

As modern-day Jews reflect on the holocaust we have to ask our self how Jews and the people of the world going to make a better future for themselves and their children and their children’s children. But people mustn't forget about the holocaust and World War 2 because the only way to pave the way to a good future is to reflect on the past and not make the same mistakes. “The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education.” -Martin Luther King Jr. Everyone must learn that it is ok to make mistakes but they must learn from those mistakes and use them to make a better future.

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