The Class Struggle And Black Lives Matter

📌Category: Black Lives Matter, Human rights, Psychologist, Psychology, Social Issues
📌Words: 188
📌Pages: 1
📌Published: 17 April 2021

The two sociologists that I agree with are Karl Marx and Max Weber. The reason I agree with these sociologists because their perspective on society exemplifies class struggle that is relevant today.  Their perspectives also discusses conflicts between the division in classes, those who dictate society, and those who are influential. 

Karl Marx would analyze the creation of the Black Lives Matter Movement (BLM) as the "class antagonisms" and capitalism.  The BLM activists are aware of the division of races and class- such as the bourgeois and proletariat. Furthermore, the role of law enforcement stigmatizes the black race-based on poverty. The Black Lives Matter Movement is based on their awareness in society and is advocating for social improvement for equality. 

Max Weber would analyze the BLM creation was based on the struggle of class, status, and power.  Weber would argument the rationalization of the two classes lacks morality due to industrialization and the "iron cage" to recognize the need for the movement. 

These two theories would hold up under modern scrutiny today because economic inequality still exists. The BLM can be allies in union jobs to advocate for policy changes regarding fair wages, end employee exploitation, and ensure minorities' access to economic advancement. 

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