Animal Testing Essay Example

📌Category: Animal rights, Animals, Animal Testing, Environment, Social Issues
📌Words: 917
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 06 September 2021

According to the California Biomedical Research Association, almost all of the breakthroughs medically in the last 100 years have been a result of testing done on animals. Also, around the world, animals are used for testing. Despite this, many people are unaware about why that is and think there is no significant purpose as to why scientists do it. They also question the morality of it. Animal testing is relevant in current times because it contributes to the development of vaccines and other scientific breakthroughs, without causing harm to humans. Although some might think otherwise, there are many things about animals, specifically mammals, that are similar to humans. There are many valid reasons why scientists test on animals. This is because of their biological likeliness, the diseases animals have helped control in the past, and scientists access to an easily controlled environment for them and basic standards.

Scientists are able to use mice and other mammals before they confirm that they are safe enough to use on humans. The US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health stated, “The remarkable anatomical and physiological similarities between humans and animals, particularly mammals, have prompted researchers to investigate a large range of mechanisms and assess novel therapies in animal models before applying their discoveries to humans.” Despite all of the results gained from animal testing potentially not being 100% applicable to humans all the time, mammals from monkeys to mice, have the same organ systems and organs as humans. Because of this, many veterinary medicines for animals are similar to human medicines. Some who are against animal studies say “there are also differences… in the members of gene families, in gene redundancies and in the fine regulation of gene-expression level.” While this is true, an overwhelming majority of the genes (over 95%) are homologous between mice and humans. Additionally, individuals against animal testing say that scientists can use test tubes instead instead of a living host to conduct experiments on viruses. However, there is simply not enough likeliness to the immune system. For example, a virus dying in a test tube is different than in an animal's body, factoring in the body's many natural defense mechanisms. Overall, there are enough biological similarities between humans and mammals to reinforce the testing.

Because of the similarities in the biology of animals and humans, many diseases have been treated by using mice or other animals as test subjects. The NCBI wrote, “The drugs used to kill the cancer cells in Greg Maas's body have been screened and tested over the past several decades in inbred strains of mice susceptible to leukemia. These mice are genetically identical, making it possible to compare chemotherapeutic compounds and develop treatment regimes that minimize the compounds' side-effects.” A man was able to fight cancer using drugs that were created from mice that had identical genetic make-ups. This is a scientific feat that would have not been possible without conducting tests on mice. Another case was that involved previous animal testing breakthroughs was that of Gloria Berry. The medicine Berry took for her depression was not working properly, and it led to more manic attacks. However, after using lithium, a drug which had undergone testing on animals for decades and had been deemed safe for humans, her manic-depression episodes “disappeared” and never returned. Throughout history, this has been done numerous times. Breakthroughs in creating drugs to combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, cancer, and so many more were made possible through testing on animals. In modern times, the leading cause of death in the US are heart disease and forms of cancer. However, they are both mostly caused by older age and poor dieting. Back in 1870, many were lucky to live past the age of 50 due to diseases like scarlet fever, typhoid fever, tuberculosis, and many others. These diseases have been practically wiped out because of animal testing. By performing experiments on animals, scientists are able to improve the quality of life for humans as a whole.

Finally, animals are simply easier to control. With humans, there are many factors that can change the body's chemistry, such as lighting, weather, and temperature. Other things that are seemingly negligible, like diet and exercise can also drastically affect the body's chemistry. Also, scientists are able to pay more attention to their subject, as they can theoretically observe them 24/7. With animals, such as mice, scientists are able to create an environment that they can accurately and efficiently test. Although some argue that the living conditions are still unfair for an animal, they fail to look at the bigger picture. According to the National Academies of Sciences Engineering and Medicine, the number of vertebrate animals used in testing each year is around 17 to 22 million. While that seems like a large number, in actuality it is “less than 1 percent of the number killed for food.” Many people who are against animal testing are also omnivores. The meat industry is a much worse place for animals than testing considering pure statistics.

Additionally, there are strict regulations for animal testing, reinforced by laws like the federal Animal Welfare Act, which was created in 1996. The AWA ensures that animals have access to clean food and water, an adequate enclosure size, and remain housed in an appropriate temperature. 

All throughout the planet, animals are utilized for testing. Despite this, a few groups are ignorant concerning why that is. Animal testing is important in current times since it adds to the improvement of antibodies and other scientific breakthroughs, without making hurt people. Although people might be hesitant, there are numerous things about mammals that are similar to humans. In the end, humans are the dominant species. The overwhelming majority of us are omnivores, which means we kill and consume animals. Additionally, we test on animals because we need to conduct experiments that could be dangerous to humans. Animals are needed to do tests because they have similar biological make-ups, are easier to control, and also help treat diseases.

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