Advantages Of Animal Testing Essay Sample

📌Category: Animal rights, Animals, Animal Testing, Environment, Social Issues
📌Words: 508
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 11 September 2021

In a technology-driven society nowadays, it is never surprising to catch news about experimentation of human products on animals. Many activists argue that testing on animals must be banned since animals do feel pain, and that there are a lot of other alternatives. The others, however, argue that animal experimentation is necessary for further development in drugs and daily essentials. In fact, testing on animals is actually beneficial to our society as it allows for controlled experimentation, space for failures and a quicker access to newly developed medications. 

It is evident that experimentation on animals promises more accurate results of testing. Since animals  tested in labs are often bred and kept contained within a certain environment, it is ensured that all experimental variables receive the exact same treatment. For example, considering if humans were proposed as testing subjects - the experiment host could never keep all the testing “variables” in a contained space for weeks, not to imagine years. Indeed, there are always other alternative subjects for testing; but do they provide enough reliability?To illustrate, rats are most commonly used in laboratory experiments since they are most similar to humans in genetic, biological and behavioural characteristics. Could other test subjects such as plants provide the same level of accuracy? The result is unknown, however, it may be comparatively misleading and harder to comprehend. Therefore, animals are necessary in experiments for more accurate results. 

Another important aspect is that animal testing further allows space for trial and error. Animals do feel pain, but have people ever considered most of them also feel pain before being served on dinner tables? Sacrifices are always in need, and now considering the world’s latest technology, animal test subjects are exempted from pain in experimentations. For instance, if a mouse died of a mutant cell being injected into its body, scientists can take note and conduct the experiment again. As researchers tend to breed and experiment on many identical species in laboratories, the process is far more accepting and convenient for rectifying errors. If, however, a human died due to a scientific error, the result would be extremely serious, even resulting in jail time. Thus, animal testing facilitates further research and experimentation. 

It is also known that animal experiments enable quicker access to newly developed innovations. Mentioned above, animals are easy to control and test which enables technology to develop more rapidly. Moreover, as animals have a shorter life span compared to humans, their bodies take a relatively shorter time to react to the tested material. During a medical test, for example, a group of middle-aged people would be required to undergo physicals before and after the test to ensure their safety and health, which takes a lot longer than animal tests. Therefore, animal experiments are beneficial since many medications must be administered quickly. 

In hope of improving our daily lives, a price must be paid. The world is selfish,and the reality is cruel. There can be no choice but to put ourselves in priority - to create and develop better products just to protect people we value. Animal testing may be considered cruel, but it offers numerous benefits such as faster product development, more accurate results, and more room for error-testing. Thus, it is conceivable that the animals contributed to our better future if they were used properly and wisely.

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