Plastic Pollution in The Ocean Essay Example

📌Category: Environment, Ocean, Pollution
📌Words: 719
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 06 August 2022

Scientists estimate that there are 15-51 trillion pieces of plastic in the ocean and not a single square mile of the sea is free of plastic pollution. Every plastic ever created still exists and will outweigh every fish in the sea by 2050. We, humans, are surrounded by plastic in our everyday lives, from our single-use water bottles to our clothing, made of materials that release plastic microfibers every time you wash them. This trash tribulation is certainly not being aided by the number of countries with low recycling rates. Plastic pollution is a worldwide catastrophe that does not appear to be going away anytime soon, but people are actively trying to fight it, one piece at a time.

Plastic is a global problem for our seas and ocean life. For example, billions of pounds of plastic can be found in the sea, “...that make up about 40 percent of the world’s ocean surfaces” (“Ocean Plastics Pollution”). But it is not just our problem. For instance, hundreds of thousands of sea life are killed each year after eating plastic or getting entangled in it. To add on, many critically endangered wildlife in the seas are being directly affected by plastic. More specifically, “Large amounts of plastic debris have been found in the critically endangered Hawaiian Monk Seals, including in areas that serve as pup nurseries,” (“Ocean Plastics Pollution”). Hawaiian Monk Seals rely on their nursing habitat to reproduce more of their species. A critically endangered animal should be defended at all costs. For example, one change in the food chain could bring the entire area ecosystem down. Similarly, is the “...endangered Steller sea lion with packing bands the most common entangling material,” (“Ocean Plastics Pollution”). Those are two great examples of the effect of harmful plastic pollution. Protecting the wildlife on Earth is our duty because we are the ones intruding on their space, not them.  People on Earth are slowly ruining their very own homes. Individuals need to see that this world will be seriously harmed if we stay at this manacing pace. This problem needs to be stopped before it stops us.

Plastic is a problem that won’t go away anytime soon. “The fossil fuel industry plans to increase plastic production by over 40 percent in the next decade,” (“Ocean Plastics Pollution”). Oil giants construct massive petrochemical plants that cause toxic gas and plastic waste to enter our oceans and atmosphere. Secondly, production is increasing alarmingly quickly. “Production increased exponentially, from 2.3 million tons in 1950 to 448 million tons by 2015/Half of all plastics ever manufactured have been made in the last 15 years,” (Parker). The world is slowly overflowing with trash and most are not trying to help the cause. Specifically, human-made additives are only making plastic more durable and stronger. For example, scientists estimate that plastic takes around 400 years to break down. Sadly, research shows the production of plastic will increase twofold by 2050, with 448 million tons already manufactured by 2015.

Through all of the bad, there is always the good. Activists and conservationists have made measures to help prevent the plastic surge. “Some have petitioned to US Environmental Agency to handle plastics as a contaminant under the Clean Water Act,” (“Ocean Plastics Pollution”). For example, the US Environmental Agency would consider plastic as one of the main materials to keep out of the ocean at all costs. Specifically, focusing on plastic would exponentially reduce the sea waste rates. Also, innovating minds are coming up with solutions to pick up pieces are trash. “Mechanical systems, such as Mr. Trash Wheel, a little interceptor in Maryland’s Baltimore Harbor, can be effective at picking up large pieces of plastic, such as foam cups and food containers, from inland waters,” (Parker). The ingenious invention has helped keep their waters clean. It only intercepts trash in a certain amount of space, so it is not a permanent solution. Indeed, the invention does not completely solve this problem. Ocean plastics break down into microplastics, which drift into the ocean. Though each positive new idea is a step in the right direction.

As my analysis exemplified, plastic pollution is a threatening ongoing crisis that shows no signs of stopping, even as people are making efforts to stop it. Billion pounds of plastic are pumped into the oceans worldwide every year, with humans to blame. An enormous half of the world’s plastic was manufactured in the last 15 years, growing over 19000% higher since 1950. Minds are coming together and persevering and trying to find a solution to this hardship once and for all. Plastic pollution is something that may never go away fully, but action will get us closer to our goal. 

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