Persuasive Essay On Ocean Exploration

📌Category: Environment, Ocean, Science
📌Words: 534
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 20 May 2021

Swimming in thoughts. Thinking about one thing or the next. Treading water in the mind with little air to spare. Believing that one thought could get you out of the stormy seas ahead. Deeming that the key to control is the mind yet it is full of thoughts no one but you could never be able to comprehend. 

Over the years the ocean has had many stories breach the surface which is what makes it so compelling. The mysteries of the sea hold so many secrets, only the ones who experienced it know of. Much can be learned about these mysteries of the deep and so much is to be explored throughout the oceans.

Sitting in my thoughts. Trying to figure out so many things using the mind. Even thinking about how much there is left to use of the brain is something that one would never even be able to perceive. Unexplainable things happen in the brain and the sky is the limit. The human brain has so much yet to be learned. This goes to show the complex mystery it is. 

Knowing that only 10% of the ocean is explored shows the depth it goes to.  The waves crashing against the beach is only the beginning, of a whole new underwater world that humans have just scratched the surface of exploring. The bottom of the ocean could lead to a whole new realm which is what makes it one of the most questioned things on the planet.

When I even try to perceive how I would think and act if my brain was fully active my head starts to hurt. It is unfathomable to even begin to imagine the tiniest atom and neuron, to the cerebrum in the brain working every single day to show the most complex or even simplest images in my mind. 

Anything could be possible in the ocean because so much of it is yet to be discovered. The urban legends you hear about could be true. All the creatures that have already been identified with so little that has been explored of the ocean. So much more aquatic life is yet to be found. 

Telling the body to move the hand or leg is so unexplainable and impressive but it is the easiest thing one can do for most people. Feelings come from the brain. Whether to identify if you are happy or sad, angry or frustrated is something that could never be explained but, it is something almost everyone can do. It is a normal thing yet one of the most complex tasks but most don’t know it. All humans have emotions so we all believe that this is a very easy thing to do but, the human brain works hard in ways I could never begin to understand. 

Trying to convey one of the most complex things in the world is an extremely difficult thing to do, but understanding is not the point, realizing is understanding in its asking. Realizing that the world is more complicated than we thought and there is still so much to learn and experience using your mind to comprehend all those things. Comprehending all the urban legends that may be true down in the deep abyss is what using the brain is for. Imagination is the center of the brain and the brain is the center of each and every living thing and there is so much yet to be discovered.

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