Animal Dissection in Schools Essay Example

📌Category: Animals, Biology, Education, Environment, School, Science
📌Words: 392
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 01 May 2021

Do you remember your animal dissection in school? Dissecting an animal in school might be the most memorable school experience for many students. The opportunity to cut open an animal is exciting for many people. Animal dissection should be required in all schools because it gives a hands-on experience and can inspire students to pursue a science career.

To begin, animal dissection should be required in schools because it gives a hands-on approach to learning. According to, “The hands-on approach of dissection allows students to see, touch and explore the various organs.” (The Importance of Dissection in Biology) Seeing organs and understanding how they work within a single animal may strengthen students' comprehension of biological systems. This follows with the students remembering what they had just learned. Plus, Molly St. Louis recorded that, “ 65% of the population learns by doing the activity, over other learning techniques.”(St. Louis) Doing the dissection hands-on allows students to take an interest in what they are doing. When seeing organisms, the students will think of what they did with the animal and bring that into their real-life experiences. This leads to students having a better understanding of how the body works.

Also, animal dissection should be required in schools because it can inspire students to pursue a career in science. According to, “75% of students said dissection made them realize science was fun.” ( Top 3 Pros and Cons of Animal Dissection) Many students haven’t experienced dissection, so they don’t know if they are interested in science. Dissection grows the desire to learn more. According to Jerry Vannatta, “ I didn’t enjoy science when I was younger, but after my dissection, I started to get an interest in science. The interest grew into me wanting to become a surgeon.”(Vannatta) Many surgeons motivate teachers to do dissection in class. Students can grow and take an interest in what they can do in the future.

Although some critics may argue that dissection is unnecessary, and isn’t good for the environment, many students enjoy and learn from the experience. A study shows, “Dissection has an emotional impact on about half of the students. In general, students considered these experiences to be an important part of their future.”.(The effects of dissection-room experiences and related coping strategies among Hungarian medical students) Without this experience students may not be able to thrive in the future.

In conclusion, dissection gives a hands-on experience and can inspire students for the future. This is a memorable and instructive aspect of science. That proves dissection should be required in schools.

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