Benefits of Tutoring Essay Example

📌Category: Education, Learning
📌Words: 1366
📌Pages: 5
📌Published: 03 July 2022

Learning is a part of our lives from when we are young and as we proceed to get older. We are constantly learning new things throughout our everyday lives. Sometimes it is easy to absorb new information and understand it at the same time. However, not everyone can understand what is being taught or presented. Some people have learning disabilities and it can be challenging for them when it comes to learning. Due to there being a variety of learning disabilities. Not every student needs the same type of help, but they do need to be provided with extra help. They do not have the ability to learn efficiently in a normal classroom environment. They need to be provided with an alternative learning solution. An environment that can make them feel comfortable and provide them with the extra attention they need. Students with learning disorders need extra help. They cannot help themselves, and we need to provide them with the support they need. In addition to having an educator that can break everything down for them and go step by step until they understand.  

During the pandemic, schools were forced to shut down and resort to going online. This had a major impact on students who needed extra help. Online learning has also caused all students to be behind on an entire year of learning. According to a poll issued at the end of May by the advocacy group Parents Together, 40% of children in special education received no support at all, and only 20% received all the services they were entitled to. In comparison, only 17 percent of their classmates in general education completed little to no remote learning. Due to the lack of attention, these students were not given the help they desperately needed. In the end, it ended up doing more harm than good. This issue has major effects on the future of these students. They will lack the ability to comprehend difficult tasks. Furthermore, many students did not receive any type of education during this time. Which resulted in students falling behind in their education. Now students are going to struggle when they go into the next grade. They will not have the knowledge and the tools that they need. According to the article Understanding learning and attention issues, Children with dyslexia, ADHD, and other learning and attention issues are affected, even though they are just as intelligent as their peers. Many students, however, fall behind academically and socially if they do not receive the necessary assistance. They are more likely to repeat a grade, have academic or legal issues, drop out, and struggle to find work as adults. It is clear to see the major consequences that these students might come face to face with in the future. A lack of attention has a major impact on a child’s education, Especially, if they are struggling and cannot comprehend the problem. Without any sort of help, they will never understand what to do. They will simply just give up and pay no attention to it. This causes students to fall behind, and when they fall behind everything just becomes more difficult. However, these problems can be avoided. 

A solution that can be implemented is to provide each child with a tutor. Each tutor would specialize in learning disabilities that the students have. This way the tutor understands how to help the child and can successfully assist them. Article 10 benefits of special education tutoring for children with LD states, attempting to process information and maintain pace with the rest of the class can be challenging. As teachers and peers move on to innovative ideas and skills, students with special needs often find themselves in a state of panic, mainly when new lessons are designed to build upon previously presented information. When children have access to special education tutoring, they will have many opportunities to revisit challenging subject matter, use new strategies for accurately conceptualizing and comprehending these topics and prepare for the advance into related and more complex materials. Rather than falling behind in class, children can take part in special education tutoring at the end of the day or week and receive a chance to catch up and keep up. Tutoring will be beneficial for the students because they will be receiving one on one time and receiving the assistance they need. One can argue that special education is also helpful and provides students with the extra aid they need. The article What are the treatments for learning disabilities states special education services are available for children who have been diagnosed with learning difficulties. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) mandates that children with disabilities get free special education services in public schools. Children must be taught in the least restrictive atmosphere possible, according to the IDEA. This indicates that the learning environment should cater to a child’s needs and abilities while limiting the child’s access to traditional learning opportunities. Due to each classroom only being provided with one teacher. Not every student can get that one-on-one time. Each teacher is given a handful of students to teach. With every child having a learning disability in that classroom. It is physically impossible to teach every child the same way. Depending on what learning disorder the student has they need to be taught a certain way.  

This idea can be achieved by providing tutors for students that need that extra help. Assigning multiple tutors to a classroom would help the teachers. Only tutors that specialize in the learning disorders the students have will be welcomed into the classroom. They need to understand how to aid each student. They must have the ability to properly assist the student they are helping. However, every idea includes a few bumps in the road. A difficulty that can potentially be faced is not having enough tutors or tutors that do not work in that specific area. Without an accurate tutor, the students will just be even more confused. Instead of thoroughly assisting them they will continue to struggle and have a challenging time understanding what is being taught. They will not be prepared for future grades and will always be behind. They will not have the ability to catch up without the necessary help they need. Not to mention it will be extremely difficult to catch the student up since they are behind an entire year of education. On top of all that, there is a risk the child will experience an even more tough time comprehending everything. It is a never-ending cycle and can lead to poor decisions that can drastically affect their lives. It leads to a chain reaction. For example, without help understanding something difficult students will never understand. Without understanding, they will struggle in future grades. It may just become too difficult for the student, and they drop out of school. Now it can be difficult to get a job without an education. Without a job how is the student supposed to make a living? They will have to resort to something else, and that may be committing crimes. In the end, it all leads to a downward spiral. A spiral that could have been avoided in the beginning. This shows how important assistance can be for a student. It could change their future for the better 

It is clear to see the positive benefits of this proposal. It will provide extra assistance for the students who need it. In addition, parents will be confident that their students will not fall behind. While the student gets one-on-one time with their educator. They learn to become more comfortable in their environment and overcome challenges. It limits the risk of a child never catching up in their education. This suggestion can only help the students. It allows them to overcome the challenges they are facing when it comes to their learning. They can seek help and feel comfortable with what they are learning. Parents will never have to fear that their child is falling behind because these tutors are there to prevent that. The students will also not have to worry they are not getting the education they need. They can be provided with the assurance that they will always be on track and can always receive help when they are struggling. Adding a little assistance can make a significant difference to a child’s education and give them a better future. 

Works Cited 

Levine, Hallie. “As School Returns, Kids with Special Needs Are Left Behind.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 16 Sept. 2020, 

“Understanding Learning and Attention Issues.” NCLD, 20 Nov. 2019, 

Dalien, Suzie. “10 Benefits of Special Education Tutoring for Children with LD: Special Education Resource.” Special Ed Resource, 5 Oct. 2020, 

“What Are the Treatments for Learning Disabilities?” Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,

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