Persuasive Essay Example on Gym Class

📌Category: Education, School, Sports
📌Words: 439
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 05 August 2022

Gym is the most favoured subject in a school day. It can help with not only our physical well-being but also our mental one too. But the 40 minutes given to us is very low. We should increase gym time so students can unlock their athletic potential.

Gym can keep our body and mind active. Playing games in gym class may look useless but it gives us great exercise. Running is a good way of exercise and many sports (e.g. Soccer, Baseball) are mainly focused on that. Gym can also improve our endurance. IN sports like football, endurance is important as you will be running back and forth on the field. On top of that, the gym can improve our cognitive ability. This skill is very important as a lot of times, you will have split second decisions and applying this ability in our early age will really help later on. Increasing gym time can be the first step into a healthier lifestyle.

Believe it or not, Gym can do a lot to your mental health. In fact, it is actually considered a stress reliever! In the gym, your mind starts to forget about other work/assignments. It’s like a break for your mind. Gym also has a big impact on depression. Gym is a very safe way of coping with depression. According to the Mayo Clinic, when exercising, our brain releases endorphins which distracts you from the negativity. Over time, you will feel better without any side effects. In addition to this. Gym can change your mood. During gym, our brain releases another chemical called dopamine which will make you feel more enthusiastic throughout day-to-day activities. Over the past few years, kids have experienced a lot. By adding more gym time, we can do a favour to millions.

Finally, we can’t even do anything with the original time given. Unlike other subjects, times in gym classes move very fast. One second we are walking towards the gymnasium and the next we are walking back to class. Half the time in the gym, we spend preparing for games rather than actually doing it. Out of the 40 minutes given, we spend at least 10-15 minutes getting ready to play. That means only 25 minutes is spent actually doing the activity. This makes gym class generally not fun. You can’t even finish a proper game in that time frame. Imagine enjoying a game of volleyball but then mid-game you have to go back to your classes. Adding more gym time can result in adding more fun.

As you can see now, increasing our gym time is a great idea! Now that you understand how gym can help without physical and mental health, don’t you think that a 40 minute period is just not enough? Fortunately, we can change that by adding more time for school gym classes.

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