Four Day School Week Essay Example

📌Category: Education, School
📌Words: 883
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 03 June 2021

A five-day school week with homework, daily assignments, test, and extracurricular activities that students are faced with every school day. The question, “Do we need an off day?” has been asked several times. As a student who experiences these things, I believe we should be given an off day so we can take time to rest and relax. If we had an off day, we could come back the next day and put more effort in rather than if we came every day of the week. Some advantages of having an off day would be that we could come back the next day more energized and ready to learn because we had a whole rest day. Another advantage is that we could get more stuff done out in the real world like a job or help more around the house while our parents are at work. However, a day off brings some disadvantages. Some disadvantages would be that we would have one less day to work on assignments and one less day to learn about the topic that we are doing that week. I feel like the pros outweigh the cons because you can get more things done in life it is kind of like an extra productive day around the house or at a job. There are not many reasons why we should not get a little break and recharge our minds. 

My life would change for the better if we had a day off. I feel like my life would be better because I could have a day to rest my brain and do what I want to do, instead of having to come bust my brain every day. If we had a day off in the week from school, I feel like I would be more productive because I would have less headaches and more rest. The off day would also help more students catch up on their sleep that they lost from waking up for school the day before. I feel like if we got a day off kids would be less trouble because they had a relax day. If people have a rest day to recharge, I feel like it would give them more motivation to come to school and learn. If kids got a rest day, they would be more disciplined because they would come back to school from a nice relax chill day. Rest is important, it can change your whole mood and your whole day, maybe even your whole week.

I think an advantage of an off day would be that parents could have their children help around the house. They can help around the house and learn real world skills outside of school. Teenagers could also get a job and make money on that off day because they have more free time. Kids need to know how to make money and learn working skills. Kids also need to work around the house more to learn how to wash the dishes and do laundry and so forth. Kids need to learn how to do real world skills other than school work, and an extra off day could help with that. As an example, one Wednesday that I did not have much virtual work, I went and helped my mom and dad paint his new shop that he is opening. The off day could help more kids be more productive in the real world and get more done. 

A disadvantage for this would be the time consumption. I feel like we would have less time to learn everything that we would need to learn before the semester was over with. We would have to stay on the topic for way longer than usual because we would miss a whole day of learning. Another thing is I feel like if we were reading a book or something in class it would take longer because we wouldn’t be able to take the books home and read them. Another disadvantage is to some kids school is like their getaway. Some kids like to come to school to get out of the house if they do not have a good home life. Some kids just like to come to school and be there every day and we would be taking that away from them. If we were to get a day off that could make some kids lazier and not want to come to school more. It could make the next day feel miserable because by the end of the week you are in a groove of waking up and going to school, but a day off would mess some people groove up and make the next day feel like a Monday all over again.

In conclusion, my opinion is that we should get a day off to refresh and recharge. Our brains can only work so hard until we start giving up. There are many pros that weigh out the cons. Students need breaks from stress and time to themselves because a lot of them get home from school and then go straight to homework that could possibly take them a couple of hours. After they get done with all that, they have to go to sleep, wake up, and go back to school where they have to do more schoolwork. Students need some more family time and some more time to themselves where they are doing schoolwork. Students these days already have short attention spans and putting all this work on them is going to make them give up and procrastinate. This is why a day off for relaxation could help people be more productive in the classroom and outside the classroom.

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