Scholarship Essay Example

📌Category: Education, Scholarship
📌Words: 577
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 17 July 2022

For a lot of people the future is unpredictable. The path each person takes will not be filled for them. Every person will have a decision to make along the way that will dictate the rest of their life. That one particular choice that the person will make will forever make an impact for their rest of their careers. 

The decision will of course be a hard one to make depending on the type of person you are. A lot of people are unfortunate that they didn’t make that right choice and may have ultimately cost them the situation that they are in. Your path is usually determined by your confidence and the amount of trust you have in yourself. 

I have always wanted to pursue a career in business and actually own one of my own. Of course I want to learn about business in college and understand all about what it has to offer. A goal of mine is to own a very successful real estate business around the state of Texas. Business is a lot of numbers and is a lot of math related stuff. I remember coming home from school in 3rd grade balling my eyes out to my parents because I couldn’t understand anything about math.

My family is a very hispanic household and being from a bordertown we do speak a lot of spanish.I have 2 brothers and I am the oldest out of the 2. My parents have never graduated or finished high school.My dad is a police officer and usually the normal for hispanic households while my mom cooks food for us and is a stay at home mom.  

Being from a small town and living in what people call ``The poor side”, there were always families that didn’t have homes and I would see them along the roads without any food or blankets on cold days and no water or fans on hot days. I faced many hardships including dealing with anxiety, trying to figure out who I am, staying positive and one challenge I had the most trouble with is being realistic. These obstacles have made me realize that life is not all sunshine and rainbows and there will be times that you hit a wall like for example there were times we didn’t have money to pay for food, or a vehicle to get us where we had to go. I wanna inspire the community or if I can inspire the world that you can do it if you have the heart and desire to go do whatever you put your mind to. 

I wanna go into the real estate business because growing up where I lived a lot of families, kids, and even little dogs that are stranded out in the freezing cold temperatures or hot days and they had nowhere to go. I wanna be able to make a difference in people's lives and make their dream homes come true and affordable for everyone. My parents have pushed me hard to do something that they wish they could have done when they were my age. 

I am not saying I should deserve a scholarship because others need it a lot more than I do but I promise you that I will go to far limits even if times get hard I will not give up and I will go get that business degree. I would like to be selected for your scholarship so I can make the long term dream of mine become a reality. As you can see I am not doing it for the money I am doing this to show that any person of any color, race, or ethnicity can go beyond great depths.

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