Persuasive Essay Example: Is College Necessary for a Successful Future?

📌Category: Education, Higher Education, Philosophy, Success
📌Words: 443
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 03 August 2022

Do you think students should go to college? People feel that college is important for future success because it opens doors of opportunity, while many feel that it is not important for future success because they feel the jobs they land after graduating don’t pay enough to make the degree worthwhile. Although some may think it isn’t important I believe that it is the most beneficial for future success.

College is most important because even if it’s not a college or university people can still get a college education and credit from places like trade or technical school, other colleges, community colleges, and other sources. In the article The ‘not everyone should go to college’ argument is classist and wrong by Libby Nelson she states “The vast majority--82 percent-- of workers with credentials other than a college degree, or in addition to a college degree, earned them from educational institutions. In other words, to get ahead in those skilled jobs so often promoted as the alternative to a college education, they went to college.” (Nelson 403). This statement shows that even though some people don’t go to a university they are still getting the education and qualifications from other forms of schooling which gives them what they need to obtain and acquire the job that they want.

Some say that the education isn't worth the money and that it puts too much pressure on students that want to attend college. In the article Why College Isn’t (And Shouldn't Have to Be) For Everyone by Robert Reich, he states that “They feel compelled to go to college because they’ve been told over and over that a college degree is necessary. Yet if they start college and then drop out they feel like total failures. Even if they get that degree, they’re stuck with a huge bill -- and may be paying down their student debt for years. And all too often the jobs they land after graduating don't pay enough to make the job worthwhile.” (Reich 398). This quote means that even if a student does decide to attend for a little bit and drop out at least they tried and will have some credit from that to put on a resume. This statement also means that although they go they are stuck with debt and yes this could happen but if you use your degree wisely you can get a well-paying job in the field that you want and be able to pay off your debt in a timely fashion.

In conclusion, I do think that college is significant for future success because in the long run although it can be stressful and difficult at times it will pay off in the end. At the end of the day through all the obstacles, it pays off to have a further education in the field that you're going into.

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