Essay Sample on Importance of College Education

📌Category: Education, Higher Education
📌Words: 557
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 31 July 2022

There are many reasons for students to pursue a collegiate education. While there are many paths that one can take to become successful, a college-level education is always a good way to get started. High schools should encourage all students to pursue a collegiate education because it is required for many high-skill, high-paying jobs and will provide a smoother transition to the adult world.

A college level education is often needed to get the high-skill and high paying jobs that many students aspire to attain. To be a doctor, a student needs to go to pre-med undergraduate school, medical school, and go through residency. To become a lawyer, a similar process occurs with pre-law, law school, and internships to help prepare for the Bar exam. The evidence for the benefits of a college education is overwhelming, proven by the Bureau of Labor Statistics reporting that people with a Bachelor’s degree made $1,305 a week, trumping the $781 that those with a high school diploma made. Getting a specialized education in the field a student aspires to work in makes them a better candidate in applying for jobs as well. In a highly competitive job market, having a degree sets a student apart from the other applicants and can help them secure a job. By promoting these paths, high schools will help students to widen their options for careers and help them achieve their dreams. 

College also provides a better passage into the adult world. There are some stark differences in the ways of living between a 27 year old with an apartment and a 16 year old that lives with their parents. Some of the changes that the adult world brings are shocking to new adults and college is a great way to ease into a new lifestyle. By moving away from home and living in dorms/college apartments, students are able to taste the freedoms of living on their own but still have  the structure and support they need to be successful. Many students will also join Greek life, which opens up opportunities for networking and building life skills that have proved to be vitally important. Around 94% of US Presidents have been part of fraternities, as well as 85% of Forbes 500 executives. Greek life paves the way for good work ethic and boosts its members into the adult world with many soft skills and connections under their belt.  College also provides opportunities to get internships and more work experience that will look great on resumes for employers and help secure them a job after their years at university. Alexander Lowry, a professor at Gordon University, advocates for the college internship experience, saying “‘Besides getting a foot in the door with a potential employer and looking good on a resume, internships have other advantages, such as the opportunity to ‘test drive’ a career,’”, shining light on the opportunities having an internship in college provides (The College of St. Scholastica). Overall, college provides a great experience that will help shape students into adults and prepare them for the years to come. 

The college experience is one that is invaluable to many students and will be beneficial throughout their entire careers. The education they will receive will set them up for good jobs and the slower adaptation to the adult world will prove to be very advantageous. While it is not the only option, high schools should promote a post-secondary education to all students so that they can reap the benefits of having a degree in their field and the adjustment to adult life that will set them up where they need to be.

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