The Benefits of Interactive Classes Persuasive Essay Example

📌Category: Education, Learning
📌Words: 377
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 17 July 2022

Some people believe that non-interactive classes where whole attention of students is focused only on listening to the teachers is quite effective. They cite that focusing undivided attention to the teacher in a peaceful class helps students get more knowledge.  However, I prefer learning in an interactive environment since interactions are the best way to exchange ideas and information between the teachers and students which makes the learning process smooth and interesting. I will support my opinion by stating two reasons that will be explored in following paragraphs.

First of all, interactive classes enhance skill of communication among the students. There are several back and forth communication between teachers and students such that the oratory skills of every students can be improved further. My own personal experience is a great example for this. We had geography class in college where our teacher made all the students give presentation on different course contents on a regular basis which certainly made my fear of public speaking go away gradually, consequently at present, I have a very good communication skills. On the other hand, our history lecturer in the university had no interactive sessions hence; students taking the History major are not much active in university talk programs. Thus I feel that my communicating ability has very much strengthened because of the interactive classes we had on college.

Secondly, we tend to retain information for quite a long period of time if we have discussions and exchange of ideas with great number of people, which is exactly what happens in an interactive class. The class never gets boring and there is always an element of newness since each and students in the class have varying opinions. Students can also easily solve their curiosity by asking the teacher in any case of difficulties. For instance, I used to ask a lot of questions in my Science class and we also had to have group discussions every few classes, because of this I always excelled in my Science class. ON the contrary, our Social Studies teacher did not encourage interactions rather made us listen all his lectures, as a result I always struggled in that particular subject.  

In conclusion, I strongly feel that interactive classes are far better than silent classes. This is because it provides a way of enhancing communication skills of the students and because  the things learnt are more easily comprehended as well as retained for a long duration.

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