Persuasive Essay Example on Implementing Meatless Monday in School

📌Category: Education, Food, School
📌Words: 521
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 11 July 2022

We all prefer some foods more than others, just like how little kids prefer chicken nuggets over green beans, but are we aware of the possible effect these foods have? Meat has gone through extensive research, getting to the root of the true effects it has on our bodies. The most important factor stakeholders should consider are the health benefits as well as the environmental impacts, because health benefits and environmental impacts are highly beneficial reasons why meatless monday should be implemented in schools. 

Stakeholders should consider factors that will help promote a positive, healthy lifestyle when influencing others. Stakeholders must consider the health benefits and environmental impacts to young school children, because meatless monday will promote health benefits and positive environmental impacts. This allows for children to live in a more eco-friendly environment that will alleviate negative effects of eating habits, reflected through our bodies and environment's ability to properly function. 

Meatless Monday health benefits promote schoolchildren to live a healthier and more eco-friendly lifestyle. Excluding meat from children's diets can eliminate potential serious health problems. People are unaware of the possible damage meat is able to cause. An alarming amount of illnesses arise from the mass rate of people consuming meat. Dr Keren Papier, states in Red and Processed Meat Linked to Increased Risk of Heart Disease alerts people how out of hand their consumption is “even moderate intakes of red and processed meat are associated with increased risk of bowel cancer” (para 4). Meat is causing diseases serious such as cancer, yet it is completely preventable by altering our eating habits. Eliminating meat will result in not having to focus on the negative effects that it brings. The health benefits seen by removing meat in children's diet will better their well being, because it will remove possible health risks for them as individuals.

Meatless Mondays environmental impacts promote schoolchildren to live a healthier and more eco-friendly lifestyle. The process and efforts it takes to butcher an animal greatly damages our environment. This problem is greatly masked to the public so that farmers are able to continue to make a profit. In an article from Inspire Clean Energy, they inform us that animal pollution is directly affecting us without realizing it, “Pollution of our waterways is caused by agricultural runoff containing animal waste, antibiotics, which then enter the water cycle” (para 5). By having at least a “partially vegetarian diet” we can decrease the obstructiveness being done to the environment we live in. Additionally, these slaughter houses take up massive amounts of land. Jasmine Reimer investigates the substantial amount of land and facility space that these farmers take up “eighty percent of the world’s agricultural land occupied by livestock…6,000-10,000 square foot meat processing facilities” (para 7). This results in destroying livestocks habitats. Making the future acreage less accessible, causing our ecosystem to face hardship due to limited living habitats. The positive environmental impact by ending meat consumption will better the ecosystem of the school children’s future generation. 

Considering the health benefits and environmental impacts will help stakeholders better understand how going meatless will benefit kids in school. Considering their diet now will most likely influence how they decide to eat in their adult lives, it is best to start good habits starting young. These factors greatly influence not only kids in school but everyone in society, starting with one small change in schools will result in better overall healthy habits.

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