The Affects of Bullying in School Essay Sample

📌Category: Bullying, Education, School, Social Issues
📌Words: 731
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 05 July 2022

Bullying in school is one of the worst things any kid should have to go through. Being messed with just for laughs, or because somebody has more physical or social power than somebody. Bullying can affect people in a lot of ways. Some of the most significant ways are self-harm from bullying, bullying others because of being bullied, and can affect how people behave in school. 

Stopping bullies can help in ways people don’t understand. People being bullied tend to have the feeling of being alone. Stepping up to the bully for them can make them feel like there is someone who cares for them. Sticking up for being a bully is being an upstander! Upstanders are people who don’t just allow people to be mistreated. A bystander is someone who just sits there laughing, recording, or just watches. Being a bystander can make the victim feel worse since it gives them the sense of embarrassment to be treated like this in front of so many people.

Bullying can lead to serious issues such as depression, sadness, anger, not eating or even self-harm. A lot of people face these issues when it comes to school bullying because it happens every day and they are scared to speak up so they hold on to it. Statistics show that every kid who is bullied or picked on has an increased risk of depression or self-harm. School bullying being combined with problems at home can cause people to lose it. 

Bullying can affect people’s behavior drastically. Kids who have good grades before can see a drop because of bullying. After being bullied in school you could be sad, depressed, or just not in the mood. Some people decide to bring their pain out on others. Hurting others because they are hurt. 

Bullying people because of their appearance is a huge cause of bullying. Whether it's because they are Black, White, Hispanic, Asian, Bald, Skinny, Fat, or even because of their sexuality. A lot of bullying happens when people cannot afford new clothes, or because they wear the same clothes. People are bullied for stuff they cannot control such as their wealth status. 

Bullying can also lead to tragic events in school such as school shootings. Bullying is one of the leading causes of school shootings. People who get tired of bullying and have access to weapons take their anger, sadness, and depression out on the people who caused it. They either do not think or just do not care about the consequences. Most do not have anybody to talk about how they feel with so they just handle it themselves.

No matter how severe it is, bullying can be in any form. TImes I have been bullied have been being called names, being called profanity, being called racial slurs, and just other stuff because people wanted attention. The main story I had with bullying in school was when a kid called me a racial slur. It was my first time ever being offended by a word like that. I didn’t know how to react. I told my teacher he did nothing so by the power of being hyped up and being instigated I went over to the boy and tried to handle it myself. The first time I went over there he denied it saying ¨I don´t know what you're talking about¨,¨You have the wrong person¨. I know I wasn’t wrong because multiple trustworthy people told me he said it about me. Without thinking I used my physical force and hit him. I picked him up and before I could finish the teacher who did nothing at first came and broke it up. While it was happening I did feel a little bit of racial bias because the teacher didn’t do anything until the boy was affected. 

Concluding, I believe bullying in school is a very serious topic that should be more talked about. It can lead to serious things such as depression, sadness, anger, and even self harm. I believe we should have more upstanders who will stick up to the bullies to help the victims know they are cared about. In school bullying can affect people's school behavior as in grades and their engagement in class. Another reason bullying is bad is that you can be bullied for stuff you can’t control such as your weight, skin color, or wealth status. It can lead to tragic events such as school shootings which is one of the leading causes. A way I think we could stop bullying is by making school more of a community rather than something you are forced to come to. We could also make it cooler to stand up for bullies rather than letting them just sit there!

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