The Lessons I've Learned While In Quarantine Essay Example

📌Category: Coronavirus, Health, Mental health
📌Words: 537
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 02 September 2021

For so many people, quarantine was and still is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. While working from home, some people thrive in solitude. Others despise the thought of being locked up and unable to see the world beyond their front door.

Quarantine has been a time for me to reflect on my prior experiences and grow as a person through the things I've learned along the way. These techniques have enlightened me and caused me to become a better person during this pandemic.

Don’t Be Too Hard on Yourself, I am sure we have all struggled at some point and time during this pandemic. Everything has changed during these uncertain times. That is why it is crucial to cut yourself some slack. Although quarantine has lasted for an extended amount of time, people are still trying to adjust and find a new “normal.” For myself, and I am sure other people as well, quarantine has been mentally exhausting because my mind is overwhelmed, I haven't been able to function as well, but that's alright. Giving yourself a mental and physical break is not something to be embarrassed about; in fact, it will improve your focus and help you live a more peaceful life. Even after the quarantine period is over and our world has returned to a more regular condition, you should still take breaks. A relaxing break can help you reset your mood, promoting positive wellness, and coping with stress.

Productivity is a subjective thing. The "hustle culture" mentality is sealed in our society, but it may be extremely harmful to your mental health, particularly when you're alone. Overworking and overexertion over a long time can lead to burnout, which severely impacts both mental and physical health. A disruption as large as this pandemic can make our daily life feel unfulfilling and senseless when we are accustomed to a structured routine. It's important to know that productivity includes more than just going to work and finishing tasks. Reading a book can be productive for some while learning a new skill like baking or sewing can be productive for others. Even watching Netflix on the couch can be productive because it provides comfort to people during this difficult period. Everyone's definition of productivity is different, but it's important to validate others' efforts to prioritize their lives. I learned how to bake and cook a variety of dishes for myself, but I did not force myself to do anything I did not want to do. If I didn't feel like learning, I would buy books or watch movies instead.

Find joy in the small victories. It can be difficult to adjust to having more free time in your day, as mentioned in the previous paragraph. Breaking free from the workaholic mindset might be difficult, but it's essential to appreciate tiny accomplishments along the way. This can range from something as easy as doing the dishes to something as difficult as remodeling your bedroom. Celebrate your achievements and congratulate yourself on crossing something off your to-do list. These seemingly insignificant behaviors can have a significant impact on your mood throughout the day.

The lessons I've learned while in quarantine have taught me that, while uncertainty is unpleasant, it can also teach us valuable lessons about our personal growth and development as members of a larger community. I've grown into a more knowledgeable and contented person. I've been able to live a more balanced and meaningful life by bringing the lessons I've learned during this crisis to my daily life.

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