Essay on Should A COVID-19 Vaccine Be Compulsory

📌Category: Coronavirus, Vaccination
📌Words: 474
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 02 September 2021

Vaccines have the power to save lives. Especially today. In 2020, the world experienced an unusual series of events. What started with a few cases grew into a worldwide pandemic. With rules put in place that people never thought would have to deal with, the world needed one thing - a vaccine. Doctors and scientists became more important than ever, and the race to find a vaccine against COVID-19 happened. In December 2020, the UK approved a COVID-19 vaccine. This was the start to go back to normal life. According to an article from, 3 in 5 adults in the UK have had both doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. In mid-2021, lockdown started easing. Shops started opening again, and slowly, mask mandates began to be lifted. It was the signs of life going back to normal. However, getting normal back is not as simple as it could be. Many people believe against vaccines, with some saying that vaccines bring many medical risks, such as developing autism. But how much evidence is there to support these claims? In fact, there is plenty of scientific evidence that shows that vaccines are harmless, only rarely having severe side effects. For example, in 2011, an Institute of Medicine report showed that with eight vaccines given to adults and children, they were found to be extremely safe. Even with this evidence, people still refuse to get vaccinated. This can cause trouble in society, with lockdown becoming harder to get rid of and could cause a surge in diseases and viruses again, such as COVID-19. This raises an important question – should there be restrictions placed on people who refuse vaccines? 

With restrictions, people who are not vaccinated have less of a chance to disrupt people who do decide to get vaccinated. Placing restrictions on people who refuse vaccines could mean that overall disease and virus rates could stay low, keeping more people safe and healthy. If a person has restrictions on what they can do simply because of their choice to not get vaccinated, this could make them rethink their choices and examine evidence and information on what vaccines really do, making them realise that really, getting a vaccine is preferable. 

However, placing restrictions on people who refuse vaccines may not be the best idea. Restricting someone's rights and freedom of choice could make them more opposed to the idea and could even make them refuse vaccines even more. If a person does not want to get vaccinated for any reason, they should have the right to make their own choice. Also, some people choose not to get vaccinated because of religious reasons. For example, some Muslims may refuse vaccines if there are ingredients in the vaccine that may not be halal.

I personally believe that placing restrictions on people who refuse vaccines is not the way to deal with the issue. Instead, we should emphasise the benefits of vaccines and encourage people in positive ways to get vaccinated. Also, instead of restricting people with choices, we should let people make their own choices and deal with the consequences.

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