Wearing Face Masks Essay Example

đź“ŚCategory: Coronavirus
đź“ŚWords: 529
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 01 July 2022

Masks have become a big problem for a lot of people nowadays. If someone stepped up and told people about how masks have affected everyone, so many problems would be solved. These struggles include having a large influence on the deaf, being harmful to children participating in school athletics, and affecting how we communicate with others in the surrounding environment.  Deaf people face dramatic changes as the COVID-19 virus continues. According to the University of Nevada, masks have increased gaps in communication access for deaf people. Deaf people were already being isolated by not hearing, and with masks, it's hard to understand because some of that community reads lips. When face masks are used, they block lipreading and/or visual cues, therefore deaf are not getting the full picture. Lip-reading is important in improving communication. Something that helps with communication is face-to-face conversations but with masks, you can't necessarily understand, which could be di. They have not only increased communication gaps but have also affected speech comprehension. When wearing masks there is no mouth visibility, and often mumbling if the hearing impaired person reads lips. Lip-reading is considered a building block that helps the deaf community understand speech. Masks may keep us secure, but they also open up a can of linguistic worms in terms of comprehension. While participating in sports, wearing a mask could be dangerous. Wearing a mask that is too tight on your face can reduce the amount of oxygen your body takes in. According to the health line, no matter what type of mask you wear, whether it's an N95, a cloth mask, or a dri fit mask, they all can decrease the amount of oxygen used by the body by 29% during activity. Furthermore, when worn during sports, masks have the potential to inflict minor physical damage. These injuries consist of the mask getting wrapped up around your ear or your head. The Mayo Clinic states that wearing a gator can result in strangulation. The mask may not only get wrapped around your ear or head, but it may also reduce your visibility. This could happen while running if the mask was to get pushed into your eyes affecting how you see and how you play. If this does happen, you could run into other players and/or stumble over an object in your line of sight. Masks can alter how others perceive a person. The news media states that while wearing masks, we are unable to express our true sentiments and attitudes to friends and strangers. The most crucial part of the face are the lips and eyes, and suppressing your smile makes it tough to appear friendly. As a result, wearing a mask for an extended length of time could lead a person to lose their sense of self-identity. According to the Science Journal, Kids were only able to correctly identify emotions 28% of the time. Many people feel that our features and expressions reveal our genuine personalities. There are several benefits to not wearing a mask. It would benefit the deaf community, it would benefit the health of children doing athletics, and it would improve our everyday life. I believe that making the changeover would be incredibly advantageous to us if the entire world made this change. Finally, I would like to encourage everybody who is reading this to take steps towards accomplishing this aim. Please spread the word if you are unable to do so.

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