The Impact of COVID-19 on Labor Market Essay Sample

📌Category: Business, Coronavirus, Workforce
📌Words: 675
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 13 July 2022

In recent years, Covid-19 pandemic has been booming around the globe. The world recently has been changing at a breaknecking speed. Many online platforms, such as Teams Microsoft, Zoom, etc have risen up . Meanwhile, online businesses such as Amazon, Shopee and online finance platforms like PayPal, Momo have been developing a lot during the pandemic. This essay is going through the possible scenarios, most basic principle, skills to deal with changes in the labour market, and suggest what to learn to have a higher standing in the post-Covid19 job market.

The post-Covid19 world might have two possibilities. First, the world may result in a responsible world in which many issues may be eliminated. By mid-2022, the global community will be able to halt the spread of COVID-19. Most nations' public faith in their governments may grow as a result of their capacity to successfully work with others in dealing with the pandemic's health issue and adopting short- and long-term economic strategies such as emergency stimulus packages and recovery plans. The COVID-19 crisis may result in a more collaborative global society that is less polarized, has greater faith in international institutions, and becomes more engaged and successful in coordinating global initiatives. The second outcome might be a chaotic society. As recurring COVID-19 outbreaks continue to harm economies, national governments fail to offer the necessary support for long-term economic recovery. Chronic economic and budgetary troubles, as well as confidence in international organizations, cause states to de-prioritize environmental commitments.

And next, we’ll mention the skills that are necessary in a post-Covid19 working environment. First rule of hand is leadership. To master the art of leadership, manipulation is one of the last things to be involved. Instead, inspiration and encouragement to strive for excellence in a better choice. Besides, building a comfortable working environment where people learn from each other and develop together is also great. For instance, Tim Cook is known as the CEO of Apple and the way he works with his employees is different from other bosses. He communicates with them on a daily basis and makes sure he understands them to improve work efficiency. Another essential skill is flexibility and adaptability. Over the last year, we’ve all been through a pandemic that forces us to change our ways of working. This is another skill that a great leader must have. The last basic skill that not just leaders but everyone should have is critical thinking. The SHRM(Society for Human Resource Management) has published that 37% of employers underestimate critical thinking and problem-solving. This is because lots of people rely on unauthorized information to solve problems. This mistake not only doesn’t solve the problem, it also creates new problems resulting from false assumptions. This is why critical thinking in solving problems is very crucial. It can help people approach problems from different perspectives.

As mentioned,these skills play a vital role in our life. Therefore, learning them since being a student is necessary. However, learning these skills is not hard at all. First skill is leadership. Students need to train their discipline, in their personal life and in professional working environments. Next, students need to develop situational awareness. A great leader must be able to look at the bigger picture and anticipate the problems before they occur. A research of the Centre for Management and Organisation Effectiveness (CMOE) company states that great leaders spend at least 80% of their time communicating with employees and partners. Because of that, learning how to communicate is essential. The first step is to listen to the speaker actively, and observe the environment and context. Following that students need to memorize what the other said, think before speaking, speak briefly, and use body language while speaking. Remember to treat everyone equally and keep a positive attitude. To critically think, first students need to identify the problem. Then gather datas and research, and the most important part, establishing significance. In this step, students need to think outside the box while maintaining a certain amount of concentration on the datas and information. Last but not least, students need to suggest a solution, make a decision and act.

To sum it all up, in order to have a steady stance in a pandemic require mastering some of the most basic soft skills. But learning to master it takes time and experience. Focus on developing the skills mentioned and self-improvement will surely prepare you for a brighter future.

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