Pros of Covid-19 Essay Example

📌Category: Coronavirus
📌Words: 503
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 20 September 2021

It’s been a long year and a half, from going out to staying in, to knowing who you're talking with, to having to figure out who’s under that mask? Covid-19 has had a drastic effect on everyone around the world. Almost over 4 million people have died from this tragic illness but, let's look at the optimistic side of all this chaos. Covid-19 has impacted relationships, developed new hobbies, and increased good health. Now sit back, relax and enjoy the ride!

We all love hanging with family and friends, with all the extra time the pandemic gives us it makes it easier and more of a priority to see and talk with others. “Many people report stronger personal relationships, with 55% of parents saying their relationships with their kids changed for the better and 41% of adults reporting relationships with significant others had improved during the pandemic.” - (Cigna Newsroom) We all need to see our loved ones and is there anything else that you truly would desire to do with your time? Spending time with others while in the pandemic will make you feel less lonely and anxious all the time, you get to loosen up, laugh and smile and see that there are lots of people you can still hang with.

In all honesty, kids and adults get bored at some points in their everyday life, especially kids, the extra time you have on your hands will allow you to acknowledge and explore the magnificent world around you. Forming new hobbies that give you great relish and enjoyment. Having favoritism to do certain things you never thought you would ever do before. “During the pandemic, many people found new joys, new perspectives and new connections. Some people found themselves.” - (Usa Today Life) From gardening, painting to even learning how to yarn, the choices are really endless. Putting your time into things that make you joyful and content as well as even more profound.

Not only have people come closer to their family and found new hobbies but, some have even become healthier individuals, when it comes to food and physical activity, and even mental health, people have become more serious about it and more intertwined with it. Enhancing their knowledge in the do’s and don’ts and comprehending what is actually good for them.”In CR’s survey, 22 percent of people said they were eating healthier now than they were a year ago.” - (Consumer Reports) “Covid-19 has changed the way we eat.” - (Consumer Reports) Swapping out junk for healthier options like fruits and vegetables as well as less processed foods. Creating healthy food habits and having a good relationship with food is really important. 

The struggle is real but, looking at the more happy side of the pandemic, you will see lots of amazing things and changes that probably would have never happened if there was never time to slow down. The pandemic gave us that opportunity to really sit and think about lots of things that need to be changed or improved for the better. It helped us all see life in a different perspective and understand that not everything only has bad effects. So, thank you to the pandemic for this extraordinary year and a half of improving and healing.

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