Vaccinations for Americans Essay Example

📌Category: Coronavirus, United States, Vaccination, World
📌Words: 831
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 03 June 2021

“91% of young Adults say that they are uncomfortable going out or to a crowded party since the beginning of the Coronavirus outbreak,” (“Most Americans SAY”). Arguments about how much control governments should have over their citizens have been around a very long time, even in history, and some fiction renditions of historical events in literature.  Of course, with the fairly recent outbreak of the Coronavirus many citizens of the United States have felt as though it is the government’s duty to protect its citizens by mandating the Coronavirus vaccine, but some believe it should be a matter of a personal choice. Correspondingly, this issue has caused quite a divide across our nation. During a time of crisis it takes major advancements on the part of leaders in order to resume to life as normal. 

The act of getting vaccinated is one of selflessness, as well as self-preservation.  Vaccinating oneself decreases the likelihood of spreading or passing on the coronavirus to one’s peers, in addition to the reduced chance of them getting it. Consequently, by receiving the vaccine it is not only improving one’s own health, but the health of others. With the Coronavirus still rearing its head, “.. the number of hospital deaths due to the Coronavirus have risen to over 375,000 people  in the past few weeks,” (“When it’s Your Turn”). Furthermore, showing that the Coronavirus will not be tapering off on its own anytime soon, so something like the vaccination would help to speed up the process of lowering and eliminating Coronavirus cases and/or future deaths. Vaccinating oneself is a charitable action, that is for the well-being of everyone.

Citizens are uncomfortable returning out in public crowds without major precautions taken against the coronavirus. According to the article, Most Americans Say Coronavirus Outbreak Has Impacted Their Lives, “Four-in-ten working-age adults ages 18 to 64 report having worked from home because of coronavirus concerns,” (“Most Americans SAY”). This exhibits how many citizens are fearful of the Coronavirus, and their jobs are at risk, because they are hesitant to go out with the deadly virus about and untamed. Hence, causing many people to work from home, and/or lose their jobs. Also stated in the same article by many citizens who took a survey, “ … 59%now say they have scaled back their attendance because of the coronavirus ” (“Most Americans SAY”). Additionally, with a major decrease of community involvement, it is evident that many citizens will not return to their “normal” everyday lives until major precautions, such as the vaccination, are being taken. The results of the Coronavirus outbreak show lack of community involvement due to fear of contracting or spreading the Coronavirus disease.

The argument over how much power a government should be granted goes very far back in both history and fiction, as seen in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. The play is about a man, named Julius Caesar, in Rome who was gaining lots of power. As a consequence, he was killed by his former friend, Brutus, due to the belief that he has too much power. As Antony, Caesar’s right hand man, enlightens the readers, “I thrice offered him a kingly crown, Which he did thrice refuse.” (Shakespeare, 134) This explains that Caesar refused the crown, and did not just want power, or control. In other words, Caesar was compassionate and at passed times he has used his power for good, and Caesar may have used his political power to benefit the people despite what Brutus thinks. This shows how oneself has no idea what positions a government will take, and that the government using their control to mandate a vaccine could be to the benefit of the people. Displaying how the government having lots of power could be beneficial to citizens. 

Despite all this evidence, some people still believe it should be one's own choice whether to receive or not to receive the Coronavirus vaccine. Some people believe that they are being used as “tested patients”, because of the short period of time that the Coronavirus has been around. However, as the wellness HCC explains in their Instagram post, “The prioritized Covid-19 vaccine was tested in three phases, like other vaccines”. Additionally, this proves that people are safe taking this vaccine, because it is fully tested like many other vaccinations. Another example of power being used is when Antony describes Caesars past actions by saying, “He wept with the poor…”(Shakespeare, 134). In other words, showing how Caesar was compassionate at passed times, and that he has used his power for good. Considering all of these things, it is unsure as to how Caesar would have used his power. Caesar may have used his political power to benefit the people of Rome despite what Brutus thinks.

Given these points, the government needs to be powerful, so it may use it’s political draw to help the people. In order to have people feel comfortable socializing in the future the government will need to mandate vaccinations for everyone.

Works Cited

Howard Community College Wellness Center. Information about the Coronavirus Vaccine. Instagram, 17 February 2021. Accessed 14 April 2021.

“Most Americans SAY Coronavirus Outbreak Has Impacted Their Lives.” 4 Sept. 2020, Accessed 13 April 2021.

Shakespeare, William. Julius Caesar (No Fear Shakespeare). 1599. Translated by John Crowther, Spark Publishing, 2003. 

“When It's Your Turn, Get the Covid-19 Vaccine - It's an Act of LOVE, Charity and Solidarity” 21 Jan. 2021, 22, Accessed 7 April 2021.

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