Parallels and Contrasts Between the United States and Mexico Essay Example

📌Category: Americas, United States, World
📌Words: 324
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 05 July 2022

Different places of the world have quite different cultures. They have distinct cultures, customs, and cuisines. For example, Australia and Ireland are very different from each other. The debate is that different parts of the world are very different from one another. So today we'll talk about the parallels and contrasts between the United States and Mexico. 

The culture of the United States is distinguished by its fast-paced lifestyle, clothes, and "to-go" coffee cups. Mexico's culture, on the other hand, is regarded as rich, colorful, and vibrant. Inspired by ancient civilizations such as the Aztec and Maya, as well as European colonialism. America's culture may also be defined as diverse, with several religions, races, and ethnicities. Mexico's culture may also be defined as rich and diversified.

The celebrations/traditions of the United States and Mexico are significantly different. Some of the traditions/celebrations in the United States include the Fourth of July, which commemorates America's independence from Britain. America also observes Memorial Day to memorialize those men and women who died while serving in the United States military. The day of the dead, which honors life and death, is one of Mexico's traditions/celebrations. Mexico also commemorates La Guelaguetza in Oaxaca, which honors people's mutual connection within a community.

The food native to the United States and Mexico differs in some ways. Authentic Mexican cuisine is lively, tasty, fresh, exciting, and flavorful. Sopa de Lima is a typical and well-known Mexican dish. Because American food was introduced and influenced by immigrants in the early years, American food is hard to define. A cheeseburger is one of the most well-known American dish.

To summarize, there are several distinctions between the United States and Mexico. America's culture is defined as a fast-paced lifestyle, attire, and "to-go" coffee cups, but Mexico's culture is rich, colorful, and bright. Memorial Day and Independence Day are American traditions/celebrations, whereas Mexico commemorates the Day of the Dead and La Guelaguetza in Oaxaca. A cheeseburger is America's most popular food, whereas Sopa de Lima is Mexico's most popular cuisine. All of this information demonstrates that the United States and Mexico are significantly distinct from one another.

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