Why Should Recreational Marijuana Be Legalized? Argumentative Essay

📌Category: Law, United States, World
📌Words: 568
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 22 May 2021

Many states have already legalized medical marijuana, but not recreational marijuana. Even though those states have legalized medical marijuana, it may still be an illegal drug under federal law. Arresting someone for possessing marijuana is very costly, but if it were recreational, it could help states gain money instead of lose money. As well as provide more alternatives for people coping with anxiety, or other illnesses. Therefore, recreational marijuana should be legalized because it will help build the economy and it has many health benefits. 

Recreational marijuana will help build the economy. States that have legalized recreational marijuana have shown a great increase in tax revenue. Colorado is one of many states that has legalized recreational marijuana. “Colorado...reported over $1 billion in revenue from marijuana sales between January 2014 and June 2019, including $266.5 million in 2018 alone” (Gale). With this increase in revenue, the government could invest in creating more jobs, healthcare, and education. “A 2017 study also showed that if marijuana were legalized in the United States at the federal level, it would generate $132 billion in tax revenue…over the ten-year period spanning 2017-2026” (Gale). This would help exponentially, considering it is a huge amount of money. This could also help Americans with criminal records that have a hard time finding jobs or getting an education. 

Furthermore, marijuana has many health benefits. Marijuana helps with many conditions including chronic pain, seizures, inflammation, nausea, insomnia and people who have a loss of appetite (gale). If recreational marijuana were legalized, then more people would have an easier time getting a hold of it for something as little as helping them with anxiety. Medical marijuana may be legal in some states, but it is not the same as recreational marijuana. It is harder for people to get a hold of it, as they need a doctor's approval. Whereas, if marijuanan was recreational, people could use it to help them relax and use it when they are stressed out. “‘In several respects, even sugar poses more of a threat to our nation’s health than pot,’ said Dr. David L. Nathan, a clinical psychiatrist and president of Doctors for Cannabis Regulation.” This indicates that marijuana is not as dangerous as people tend to think it is. Therefore, people can use marijuana and not have to worry about it hurting them. 

On the other hand, people believe that recreational marijuana will bring down society. However, marijuna does not affect society. States that have already legalized recreational marijuana are not falling apart and do not have major increases in teen use, car crashes, deaths, etc. In fact all of these may actually be decreasing with recreational marijuana. Economics professor, Benjamin Hansen stated, “Public safety doesn’t decrease with increased access to marijuana, rather it improves'' (Should Recreational Marijuana). Also, “According to the British Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs: ‘Cannabis differs from alcohol ... in one major respect. It does not seem to increase risk-taking behavior’" (Marijuana Policy Project). This validates that more people using marijuana will not result in mass chaos. People may actually be more aware and cautious of the things around them. 

In conclusion, legalizing recreational marijuana would greatly affect states due to adding to the economy and providing health benefits. Millions of people out there need jobs, healthcare, etc. which can easily be fixed with just simply legalizing recreational marijuana. People also need something to help manage with pain, stress, or even just helping them to relax. There are people who will abuse this drug and use it only to get that “high” effect, but most people make good choices and use this drug to help them when they need it. Thus, legalizing recreational marijuana would be a good and helpful idea.

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