Ecology of Coral Reefs in the US Virgin Islands

đź“ŚCategory: Animals, Ecology, Environment, Ocean, United States, World
đź“ŚWords: 584
đź“ŚPages: 3
đź“ŚPublished: 26 April 2021

The beauty of the United States Virgin Islands ecosystem truly brings a sense of joy to anyone’s face. As I grew up in the Virgin Islands, my surroundings would surprise me every day. The serene beaches with clear waters, the clean air, and the warm temperatures were the perfect source of joy. However, as years pass, I, along with the communities in the Virgin Islands, have noticed that the ecosystem is starting to decline. Many of the issues pose great problems if not resolved within the near future. While my islands constantly battle hurricanes, rains, and great storms bravely, an unavoidable terror is that of the changing ocean.

The ocean can be the lifeline of an island. They set the tone for our food, our water, and even our spirits. The organisms that inhabit the water help the regulation of our climate. For example, phytoplankton, some seaweeds, and cyanobacteria are organisms that regulate oxygen levels. Just like land-based plants, they contain chlorophyll to capture sunlight and use photosynthesis to convert it into the energy they need, producing oxygen as a byproduct. Phytoplankton alone decimates 10 gigatons of carbon each year. (NASA, 2021). Together, they make up 50-80% of oxygen producers. However, as temperatures start to rise and the ocean gets more and more disrespected with toxic material and trash, the ocean becomes more and more acidic. Many photosynthetic organisms cannot continue to survive in acidic environments and have started to die out, thus lowering oxygen production and carbon absorption, (Urry, 2001). (Appendix A).

The ocean surrounding our islands also has another huge problem that needs addressing: the need for coral. As one of the most diverse ecosystems, coral supports a wide range of species, including 4,000 species of fish. In the Virgin Islands, they hold that degree of importance to our ecosystem, protecting the fish from hurricanes, and keeping the population of fish and other wildlife on a high. Sadly, their state is not as ideal as one would hope. The rise in ocean acidity, coupled with the dumping of toxic chemicals in other nations have started the decline of these beautiful ecosystems. Without their presence, the fish we have come to love will dwindle, and the American paradise we knew will be no more. 

With these complications to our ecosystem, the question arises: How can we solve this issue?  I present the solution of Oceanacomm. Oceanacomm is a community-supported allyship that advocates for changing the way we see our oceans. Through our program, we will launch corrective environmental seaweed that can assist the environment from the harmful effects of climate change. In our world today, many see the ocean as a plaything, or as their source of recreation with little importance to life above sea level.  With the help of Oceanacomm, we will change that mindset into one that sees the ocean as what it is: essential for life.  Through contributions, Oceanacomm will soon organize large-scale physical cleanups to help the community adjust to their involvement in environmental issues. Once our operation gains enough traction, our community’s representatives would urge the government to make better restrictions on ocean waste. In addition to these efforts, we will also propose lobbying alongside DCLRS for our territory and spread awareness on our exacerbating issue. DCLRS is a bipartisan lobbying and government relations firm that represents others in front of Congress and federal regulatory agencies.  With their help, the advocacy of our efforts will not go in vain.  

All in all, the ocean provides more comfort and quality of life than one usually sees. The ocean keeps millions of species alive and thriving. To protect and maintain the quality of the ecosystem, Oceanacomm will work with the people of the Virgin Islands as well as the U.S. government to keep the beautiful seas alive.

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