Ancient Roman And US Cultures Essay Example

📌Category: Culture, History, Roman Empire, United States, World
📌Words: 449
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 20 May 2021

During the ancient Roman times, there were many things that they done that still exist to this day. They had a unique lifestyle compared to those of other civilizations. They also had many different types of traditions and customs. They had a very distinct culture, that has been passed down and spread through many civilizations. Many aspects of their culture are similar to those of today.  The Roman culture is similar to those of today because they had a similar government and they had similar pastimes and funeral traditions.

To begin, the first way that Roman culture is similar to today’s is their government. In the ancient Roman times, they had 3 branches of government, the executive, the legislative, and the judicial. In today’s time, the government uses the exact system. These branches are used to check and balance each other, so one does not gain too much power. For example, one way that their government is similar to ours is their judicial branch. According to document one it says, “They were in charge of deciding punishments that criminals would receive” (Document 1). This shows that their judicial branches responsibilities were similar to those of the U.S. judges. While the judicial branch for both may be slightly different, they bother deal majority with the law. Therefore, one way in which Roman culture is similar to today’s is their government.

Secondly, another way that Roman culture is similar to today is their pastimes and funeral traditions. One way they are similar is in some of their sports. For example, in document 5, it says “This fresco shows several young men playing at ball” (Document 5). This fresco depicts people playing a game that involves hitting a ball. This is relevant because it shows the Romans playing a sport that looks similar to today’s volleyball. Also, another way that the Roman’s pastimes are similar to those of today is their funeral traditions. In document 4 it shows a gravestone with a funeral inscription. This shows many things of how their culture is similar. For example, it shows that just like today, the Romans used headstones for when people passed. Also, it also shows that they may have had funeral services like the ones that happen in present time. While these inferences may not be correct, it is safe to assume that the Romans have passed down many customs to today’s time.

In conclusion, the Roman’s culture is very similar to those of today. Their government and pastimes and funeral traditions are very similar to present time. While there are still some notable differences such as their gladiatorial fights and laws, there are many things that are hardly different. From looking at the different aspects of Roman culture, it can be inferred that many of the present time customs were based off Roman culture. Therefore, while there are still major differences, the Roman culture is extremely similar to that of today.

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