Franklin D. Roosevelt's Impact on the Great Depression Essay Example

📌Category: Government, History, History of the United States, President of the United States
📌Words: 1227
📌Pages: 5
📌Published: 29 April 2021

Franklin D Roosevelt once said, “In such a spirit on my part and on yours we face our common difficulties. They concern, thank God, only material things. Values have shrunken to fantastic levels; taxes have risen; our ability to pay has fallen; government of all kinds is faced by serious curtailment of income; the means of exchange are frozen in the currents of trade; the withered leaves of industrial enterprise lie on every side; farmers find no markets for their produce; the savings of many years n thousands of families are gone” (Text 1, line  6-10). FDR made this statement at his first Inaugural address.  This quote is showing how FDR is understanding of the situation of the country and is trying to create plans to work on helping everyone throughout his presidency. FDR is explaining how he is going to try and make new deal programs to help the country. However, critics stated that Franklin D. Roosevelt and his administration’s methods were not effective in pulling the country out of the Great Depression; however, President Roosevelt and his administration were effective in helping the country rise out of The Great Depression because they created New Deal programs which dealt with labor issues, revived banking and private enterprise, and better use of the country's land and natural resources. 

FDR and his administration are doing things to help benefit the labor law and people who are struggling during the Great depression.  One act that is working to help people with labor issues is the social security act. “Established unemployment and old age insurance”(Chart 1, line 8). The SSA would be able to help older people with insurance for them if they're unemployed and be able to give people money if they are out of a job at the moment. Another act that is working to help people with labor issues is the National housing act (NHA).“Authorizes low rent public housing projects” (Chart 1, line 10).  The NHA will be able to give lower paying housing to people who can't afford normal pricing for houses and possibly give public housing to people who can’t afford anything at all. A final act that can help people with labor issues is the fair labor standards act. “established minimum wage of 40 cents an hour and a 40 hour” (Chart 1, line 11). Minimum wage was able to be given to people so they could get some money and not be slaved away to work and the world seemed to be getting better at being risen out of the Great Depression. Based on the evidence given here  FDR and his administration were able to figure out plans to benefit the labor laws and people who are struggling during the Great depression.

FDR and his administration are working to fix the revived and private enterprise. The first supporting piece of evidence that helped fix the banking system was.

Reconstruction Finance Corporation. “Granted emergency loans to banks, life insurance companies, and railroads”(Chart 1, line 1). This quote explains how the banks were able to give money to people so they could pay for their bills. The second supporting piece of evidence is how banks are working to get loans for farming mortgages and house mortgages. “such as loans on farm mortgages and home mortgages; loans to the railroads and insurance companies and, finally, help for homeowners and industry itself" (Text 1, lines 13-14). This quote is explaining how the banks are working to force loans out for specific groups of people so the money is divided evenly. The final supporting piece of evidence is how banks were trying to get their jobs resumed and regain the trust of people to show how they plan on being more careful with all of their money. “Finally, in our progress toward a resumption of work we require two safeguards against a return of the evils of the old order; there must be a strict supervision of all banking and credits and investments; there must be an end to speculation with other people's money, and there must be provision for an adequate but sound currency" (Text 1, lines, 20-24). The quote is explaining that FDR and his administration are planning on getting the banking systems back to normal and put more security to keep the banks safe. Throughout the information written you can see that  FDR and his administration are working to fix the banking situation and private enterprise

FDR and his administration are doing many things to help with  land and natural resources.

The first way FDR and his administration are helping is they are trying to stimulate the reorganization of natural resources . “employment, accomplishing a greatly needed project to stimulate and reorganize the use of our natural resources.”(Text 1, lines 14-15). This quote is showing an example of how FDR and his administration are working to accomplish better environments for land and natural resources. The second way FDR and his administration are helping with land and natural resources is they are trying to find better use for the land. “Hand in hand with this, we must . endeavor to provide a better use-of the land for those best fitted for the land.” (Text 1, line 16-17)This quote is giving evidence of how FDR and his administration stated that they want to find better use for the land. The Final way FDR and his administration are helping with the land  and natural resources is they’re trying to raise the values of agricultural products. “The task can be helped by definite efforts to raise the values of agricultural products and with this the power to purchase the output of our cities. (Text 1, lines 17-18)This quote is giving evidence explaining that FDR and his administration are trying to help raise the values of agricultural products. These are examples of how FDR and his administration is doing many things to help with the land and natural resources. 

Although I believe FDR and his administration are doing very well at helping the country be lifted out of the great depression, although  the opposite sides have very good points as to why they believe They are not doing well. FDR is not doing very well at helping lift the country out of the great depression. “The task can be helped by definite efforts to raise the values of•agricultural products and with this the power to purchase the output of our cities.” (Text 2 line 2-3) “This is no unsolvable problem if we face it wisely and courageously. It can be accomplished in part by direct recruiting by the Government itself,” (Text 1, lines 11-12) “There is no use to wait three more years It is not Roosevelt or ruin; it is Roosevelt's ruin,” (Text 2, lines 4-5)“we are bringing order out of the old chaos with a greater certainty of the employment of labor at a reasonable wage and of more business at a fair profit.” (Text 3, lines 4-5)These are the reasons why I believe FDR and his administration are doing very well at helping the country be lifted out of the great depression, although  the opposite sides have very good points as to why they believe They are not doing good.

FDR and his administration were doing great things to help their country but others believed that someone else could’ve done a better job. Through the stated facts you’ve read you can see critics stated that Franklin D. Roosevelt and his administration’s methods were not effective in pulling the country out of the Great Depression; however, President Roosevelt and his administration were effective in helping the country rise out of The Great Depression because they created New Deal programs which dealt with labor issues, revived banking and private enterprise, and better use of the country's land and natural resources. FDR and his administration's methods did not help the country but FDR and his administration did help lift the country out of the Great Depression.

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