Essay Sample about Mahatma Gandhi, Cesar Chavez, and Martin Luther King Jr

📌Category: Historical Figures, History
📌Words: 775
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 04 August 2022

“It's your reaction to adversity, not the adversity itself, that determines how your life’s story will develop.” (Dieter F. Uchtdorf). Important figures for change have faced many obstacles before achieving their goals, overcoming these obstacles are crucial because without hurdling over them, change would not occur. The few gallants who dared to fight the oppressors in the past are a light and inspiration to the younger generations, individuals such as Mahatma Gandhi, Cesar Chavez, and Martin Luther King Jr.

Known for freeing India from British colonial rule, Mahatma Gandhi is a well-respected social activist who faced challenges along the way. First, he went to South Africa to establish his career as a lawyer, but instead of being faced with success, he was heavily discriminated against for being Indian. Gandhi began his activism in South Africa where he led non-violent protests and fought alongside other Indians residing in South Africa. Afterward, he returned to India in 1892 when India was still under British rule. Under the cruel tyranny of Britain, Indians were getting killed, put to starvation, forced to pay unreasonably high taxes, and innocent individuals were getting extorted. Having been born into power and wealth, Mahatma Gandhi wanted to use his privilege to reform the ways of the British. He gathered people to protest peacefully by swaying others with his philosophy, he was arrested about 30 times for leading boycotts, marches, and protests. The “Salt March” is one of the most crucial protests that led India to freedom. Instead of buying salt from Britain like the rule imposed, protestors march to the Arabian sea to collect their own salt. Mahatma Gandhi's need for justice didn’t stop after India’s independence, he boycotted British institutions left behind and tried to ease the conflict between Hindus and Muslims. Mahatma Gandhi was courageous till the end and despite these troubles, he managed to be one of the leading figures in freeing India to independence.

Cesar Chavez played an integral part in improving the lives of Californian workers, throughout his battle for change, he was met with obstacles before achieving his true goal. He was born in 1927 to a poor Mexican farmer family. The ’20s for farmers in America was a tough time with low wages, immense debt, and not having enough food on the table. At a young age, he had already been exposed to the harsh reality of poverty and selfish corporations. Later in 1962, Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta founded NFWA. Cesar Chavez was dedicated to the rights of migrant workers and was heavily influenced by Gandhi’s non-violent protests and Martin Luther King’s civil disobedience. The organization led strikes, boycotts, and other non-violent ways of fighting. He was finally making progress after several failed attempts at gathering people for peaceful protest, following this success, the five-year grape strike was one of many movements led by Cesar Chavez. Farmers marched 250 miles from Delano to Sacramento, numerous grape companies signed a contract with the organization. By the time of “La Causa”, another major demonstration, civil rights leaders and 17 million Americans recognized his efforts. Finally after several years of work, the working conditions of farmers improved and wages were increased. The challenges Cesar Chavez faced are what caused the change to be brought forward for farmworkers.

Despite the several challenges Martin Luther King faced, he remains a key figure who led African Americans closer to freedom and equality because he overcame those challenges. Racism in America wasn’t anything shocking, but it’s especially great further down and harder for minorities to coexist peacefully. Martin Luther was one out of the many African Americans born in the south, from an early age he had already faced much discrimination. Black people in America were systematically disadvantaged and not treated the same, contrary to their white peers regardless of circumstances. At the age of 28, Martin Luther King founded SCLC, an organization based in the South that fought against racial inequalities. He believed in non-violence, the organization reflected his beliefs, SCLC led nonviolence resistance to redeem the “soul of America ''. He gave out inspiring speeches and gave hope to black Americans. As his popularity increased, so did his threats. Martin Luther got went through home bombing, assault, home robbery, and property violence all because he chose to stand up against racial injustices. However, that never stopped him, he still managed to push ahead and keep fighting. With his marches and boycotts, he dismantled segregation, gave his people the right to vote, civil rights, and labor rights. These hardships faced by Martin Luther King are the reason why changes were made and a future was given to Black Americans. 

Mahatma Gandhi, Cesar Chavez, and Martin Luther King are three spectacular heroic individuals that faced adversity. It’s thanks to overcoming the obstacles that tried to stop them, that they were able to keep going and stay true to what they believe in. They give hope to the newer generations and act as a role model for future activists, even if they’re not on this earth anymore, their legacy still lives on.

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