George Washington Carver And Black History Month

📌Category: History, History of the United States, Science, Scientist, United States, World
📌Words: 669
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 15 April 2021

In my quest to learn more about Black History Month, and learn about George Washington Carver's legacy and accomplishments. While many people don’t recognize Black History Month, that's why it is important for me to write about the sacrifices and injustice that happened to many African Americans. All of these African Americans changed history and gave all of us no matter what colour or race, hope. Now because of Black history Month no one is treated differently everyone is equal because of all the African Americans . I will be examining George Washington Carver's Background, Education and what research and invention did he make as a wonderful scientist. I hope writing about George Washington Carver will help everyone learn about Black History Month and it’s legacy.

While we learn together about Black History Month I will be examining George Washington Carver's Background so we can learn about George Washington Carver together. George Washington Carver was born on January 1st 1864, in Missouri in the United States. His Mom, Mary was a slave so unfortunately he was borned enslaved. Both George and his mother Mary were kidnapped and sold to be farmers by slave raiders . Moses Carver, George’s dad  hired a neighbor to retrieve them, but the neighbor only succeeded in finding George, whom he purchased by trading one of Moses’ finest horses. Carver grew up knowing little about his mother or his father, who had died in an accident before he was born. George Carver sadly died January 5th 1943 Alabama United States.

Secondly I will be discussing George Washington Carver’s Education, he believed a lot in Education he stated “ Education is the key to unlock the golden door”. Firstly he went to Simpson College from 1890 to 1891, and then Iowa State University from 1894-1896. He received a bachelor degree in agriculture science in 1894 and then his Masters of Science degree in 1896 . Carver initially studied art and piano in hopes of earning a teaching degree, but one of his professors, Etta Budd, was skeptical of a Black man being able to make a living as an artist. In the late 1880s, Carver befriended the Mulhollands, a white couple in Winterset, Iowa, who encouraged him to pursue a higher education. Despite his former setback, he enrolled in Simpson College, a Methodist school that admitted all qualified applicants. Carver initially studied art and piano in hopes of earning a teaching degree, but one of his professors, Etta Budd, was skeptical of a Black man being able to make a living as an artist. After learning of his interests in plants and flowers, Budd encouraged Carver to apply to the Iowa State Agricultural School (now Iowa State University) to study botany.

Lastly I will be stating the research and inventions George Washington Carver made as a wonderful scientist. His research on peanuts , sweet potatoes and other products help poor Southern Farmers vary their crops and improve their diets.From sweet potatoes Carver invented flour , vinegar and non-food items such as stains, dyes paints and writing ink . Carver also encouraged Farmers to restore nitrogen in their soils through systematic crop rotation which is one of the factors that  helped the region recover. To further help farmers, he invented the Jessup wagon, a kind of mobile (horse-drawn) classroom and laboratory used to demonstrate soil chemistry. In all, he developed more than 300 food, industrial and commercial products from peanuts, including milk, Worcestershire sauce, punches, cooking oils and salad oil, paper, cosmetics, soaps and wood stains. He also experimented with peanut-based medicines, such as antiseptics, laxatives and goiter medications.

It is important to Learn about Black History Month and its legacy that's why I wrote about George Washington Carver. In my essay we discussed George Washington Carver's background, his education and his research and inventions that shaped America today and helped many farmers. He grew up in slavery but now he became a wonderful scientist and accomplished many things he proved to us that nothing is impossible. With everything comes education he focussed a lot on his education that's why he became a scientist. George Washington Carver proved to everyone that just because of setbacks you can keep moving forward. Failure just means the first attempt in learning.  So now all of us have learned more about Black History Month and its Legacy.

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