The History of Bread Essay Example

đź“ŚCategory: Food, History
đź“ŚWords: 525
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 28 April 2021

Bread is a food found throughout a lot of history because it’s an amazing food that has so many befits.  Throughout history, there have been a lot of problems with food like some foods being expensive, taking a long time to make, or both, this can lead to problems with not a lot of people being able to get a specific type of food, but some foods like bread are easy, fast, and cheap to make.  Overall bread is a great food source that has been used for a long time for a lot of reasons.

Bread was a great invented used made around 1500 BCE years ago yet it’s still used today because it’s a tasty cheap food that’s easy to make (Lahue).  When bread was invented it was a lot different than what we have today it was originally made using only grain, and water to make a dough that was then heated by something (Tikkanen).  Bread was popular for many reasons but the two main reasons were it was easy to make and it was cheap, so poor people throughout history could make bread quick and cheap and then get back to work, while the rich could eat expensive bread because it tastes good (Tikkanen).  Throughout history when things like the great depression happened bread was an extremely popular food because it was cheap and a lot of people were losing their jobs so they couldn’t afford normal food you would eat for dinner.  Overall throughout history bread has been a great food that has been enjoyed by the rich and the poor for many reasons that are still shown in recent history.

Bread is a food that is still today constantly eaten because of the same reasons people used to eat bread, but also because it can go great with a lot of foods.  Bread-making rapidly started to grow after world war two in the united states (Tikkanen).  Covid 19 caused a lot of lockdowns for most of 2020, and because of that as a lot of people started to pick up new hobbies like bread making (Lahue).  Although a lot of people picked up bread making and started eating it more people finding a new hobby was not the only reason why people started eating a lot of bread, it’s also because a lot of people had less money and needed something cheap like a sandwich to eat (Lahue). To sum up, although bread was popular a long time ago it is still an extremely popular food today for a lot of the same reasons but also a few different reasons.

In the end, Bread making has been around for thousands of years and will and it’s not going anywhere.  Although covid 19 is coming to its end and a lot of people will be able to pay for more expensive food bread is still going to be a popular food that people eat on a daily basis because a lot of people just enjoy bread.  To conclude, bread is an extremely popular food that has been enjoyed throughout history and will continue to be enjoyed throughout history because of its many benefits.


Lahue, Caitlin, et al. “History and Domestication of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae in Bread Baking.” Frontiers in Genetics, Frontiers Media S.A., 11 Nov. 2020, 

Tikkanen, Amy. “Bread.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.,

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